Impact de la conduite en lots d’alimentation de brebis laitières Basco-Béarnaises en début de traite sur la production et la composition chimique du lait
Arranz J.M., Hassoun P., Poivre M., Sallato O., Cami J.-M., Legarto J.. |
11-17 |
Geroko, un outil de simulation pour évaluer les performances économiques, environnementales et climatiques des exploitations agropastorales des Pyrénées occidentales
Arranz J.M., Noblia J.M., Sallato O., Olha E., Theau J.P.. |
19-24 |
Revisiting particle kinetics in the rumen: comminution, digestion and passage functions as affected by diet type
De Vega A., Gasa J., Castrillo C., Guada J.A.. |
25-29 |
Environmental implications of different production systems in a Sardinian dairy sheep farm
Franca A., Vagnoni E.. |
31-35 |
Innovation and multi-actor cross-border cooperation in central Pyrenees to improve sustainability of local sheep breeds: PIRINNOVI project
Lahoz B., Jousseins C., Calvo J.H., Papuchon J., Alabart J.L., Pardos L., Loywyck V., Serrano M., Soulas C., Eguinoa P., Tortereau F., Fantova E., Jouhet E., Bernués A., Canellas R., Boscolo J.C., Folch J., Fabre S.. |
37-41 |
L’intérêt de dispositifs d’apprentissage organisationnels pour s’adapter à un contexte de changement Exemples en élevage laitier et en coopérative laitière
M. Napoléone. |
43-49 |
Immigrant shepherds in Mediterranean Europe
Nori M.. |
51-56 |
Evaluating dairy sheep systems for conversion to the optimized agroecological model
Ruíz F.A., Mena Y., Manca C., Sitzia M.. |
57-60 |
Reference indexes of the goat milk price
Camúñez J.A., Morales E., Ruíz F.A., Mena Y.. |
61-64 |
Towards a pan-European typology of sheep and goat farms: A meta-analysis
Theodoridis A., Ragkos A., Zaralis K., Smith L., Arsenos G.. |
65-69 |
Nutritional approaches to improve the fatty acid profile of milk fat in sheep and goats
Nudda A., Cannas A., Pulina G.. |
73-82 |
In vitro study of the effect of combinations of cereals and sugar beet pulp on pH and gas production pattern in concentrate or forage-based diets for ruminants
Amanzougarene Z., Yuste S., De Vega A., Fondevila M.. |
83-87 |
Effet de l’incorporation de la pulpe sèche de betterave dans la ration des agneaux sur les performances de croissance, les caractéristiques de la carcasse et la qualité de la viande
Benbati M., Hansali M., Haddioui A., Keli A.. |
89-92 |
Effet du niveau d’incorporation d’ensilage de maïs dans l’alimentation des agneaux sur les performances d’engraissement et les caractéristiques de la carcasse
Benbati M., El Haloui M., Hansali A., Bouazzama B., Keli A.. |
93-97 |
Chemical composition and essential oil antimicrobial activity of four grazed plants growing wild in northeastern Tunisia
Bettaieb A., Zouaoui R., Nadia F., Elkahoui S., Moujahed N.. |
99-104 |
Potential of essential oils from natural populations of Pistacia lentiscus to modify in vitro ruminal fermentation in sheep
Bettaieb A., Attia K., Darej C., Moujahed N.. |
105-110 |
In vitro fermentation of diets including agroindustrial by-products in batch cultures of ruminal microorganisms from goats
Romero-Huelva M., Carro M.D., Molina Alcaide E.. |
111-116 |
Influence of particle size of crude olive cake on in vitro ruminal fermentation and gas production kinectics
Marcos C.N., Chávez S., Blas C., Molina Alcaide E., Ranilla M.J., Carro M.D.. |
117-122 |
Chemical composition and in vitro rumen fermentation of crude olive cake and olive extracts
Marcos C.N., Chávez S., Blas C., Molina Alcaide E., Ranilla M.J., Carro M.D.. |
123-128 |
Feed restriction in early life modifies the colonic epimural bacterial community and feed efficiency traits during the fattening period of merino lambs
Frutos J., Andrés S., Yáñez Ruiz D.R., Santos A., Benavides J., Santos N., Giráldez F.J.. |
129-132 |
Diet supplementation with a high dose of stearic acid to alleviate fish oil-induced milk fat depression in lactating ewes
Hervás G., Toral P.G., Frutos P.. |
133-137 |
Feeding behaviour, intake, apparent digestibility and plasma metabolites of Latxa dairy ewes as affected by cold-pressed oilseed cakes and sainfoin
García-Rodríguez A., Goiri I., Pineda-Quiroga C., Pascual A., Atxaerandio R., Ruiz R.. |
139-142 |
Production performance and milk fatty acid profile as affected by cold-pressed oilseed cakes and sainfoin in Latxa dairy ewes
Pascual A., Garcia-Rodriguez I., Goiri I., Pineda-Quiroga C., Atxaerandio R., Ruiz R.. |
143-146 |
Curd sensory properties as affected by feeding dairy ewes with cold-pressed oilseed cakes and sainfoin
Pineda-Quiroga C., García-Rodríguez A., Goiri I., Pascual A., Atxaerandio R., Ruiz R.. |
147-149 |
Effet du niveau protéique de la ration des chevreaux sur la croissance et les caractéristiques de la carcasse
Salhi M., Mounsif M., Agdim H., Keli A.. |
151-155 |
Effect of drinking high salt water from weaning to adulthood in Barbarine male lambs
Mehdi W.G., Ben Salem H.. |
157-162 |
Enrichment of ewe cheese with Laminaceae seed oil as a source of omega-3
Muñoz-Tébar N., de la Vara J.A., Molina A., Carmona M., Berruga M.I.. |
163-166 |
Effect of levels of intake on rumen fermentation, digestibility, methane emissions and behaviour
Moya D., Newbold C.J.. |
167-171 |
Dietary pomegranate pulp to improve meat fatty acid composition in lambs
Natalello A., Luciano G., Morbidini L., Priolo A., Biondi L., Pauselli M., Lanza M., Valenti B.. |
173-176 |
Effect of tannins on indoles content and “pastoral” flavor of lamb meat
del Bianco S., Favotto S., Sepulcri A., Piani B., Campidonico L., Salami S., Valenti B., Luciano G., Filoso F., Piasentier E.. |
177-181 |
Effects on fatty acids profile of milk from transhumant small ruminants related to the floristic composition of mountainous rangelands
Ioannidou M., Karatassiou M., Ragkos A., Parissi Z.M., Mitsopoulos I., Sklavou P., Lagka V., Samouris G.. |
183-186 |
Effects of the dose and the administration form of rosemary essential oils on carcass characteristics of lambs
Smeti S., Mekki I., Hajji H, Mahouachi M.. |
187-189 |
Effects of EPA and DHA on in vitro ruminal biohydrogenation of 18-carbon fatty acids in sheep
Toral P.G., Hervás G., Carreño D., Leskinen H., Belenguer A., Shingfield K.J., Frutos P.. |
191-194 |
Early weaning of kid goats does not compromise rumen microbial colonization and post-weaning digestive capacity
Yáñez Ruiz D.R., Martínez E., Jiménez E., Serrano R., Belanche A., Martín García A.I.. |
195-200 |
Small ruminants in a High Nature Cultural Value agroforestry system. Case studies in sheep research
Gaspar P., Elghannam A., Escribano M., Mesías F.J.. |
203-214 |
Application of random regression model to estimate genetic parameters for average daily gains of Tunisian local kids population
Atoui A., Carabaño M.J., Díaz C., Najari S.. |
215-220 |
PESagri: A novel payments for ecosystem services framework for targeted agrienvironmental policy
Rodríguez-Ortega T., Bernués A., Olaizola A.M.. |
221-224 |
Progeny-test et facteurs de variation lors de la sélection laitière des brebis dans la population locale (région de Sétif)
Djaout A., Afri-Bouzebda F., Bouzebda Z., Belkhiri Y.. |
225-228 |
Effect of doses of eCG and cloprostenol on oestrus and ovulation induction in North Moroccan goats during the anoestrus season
El Kadili S., Raes M., Bister J., Archa B., Kirschvinck N., Chentouf M.. |
229-234 |
Performances of Barbarine ewes grazing on wheat stubble under conventional and conservation agricultural conditions in a Tunisian semi-arid area
Guesmi H., Moujahed N., Ben Youssef S., Darej C., Chakroun M., Ben Salem H.. |
235-239 |
Adaptation of sheep breeding systems to changes in the Algerian steppe context: Case of the region of M’Sila
Hadbaoui I., Senoussi A., Huguenin J.. |
241-245 |
Energy footprint assessment of sheep meat produced under two different farming systems in Tunisia
Ibidhi R., Ben Salem H.. |
247-251 |
L’élevage respectueux de l’animal, condition de sa durabilité
Lécrivain E., Porcher J., Gouy C., Robine L., Vallée J.. |
253-259 |
Ethnoveterinary practices in the Tena Valley and Biescas Area (Spanish Pyrenees) for the care of sheep and goats
López Marco L., Obón C.. |
261-265 |
The implementation of some regenerative practices to improve the sustainability of Latxa dairy sheep system
Mandaluniz N., Pascual A., Arranz J., Ruiz R.. |
267-271 |
Adaptation of goats feeding systems to the adverse economic conditions by changing the grazing management practices
Manousidis T., Kyriazopoulos A.P., Semenzato P., Sturaro E., Ramanzin M., Ragkos A., Abas Z.. |
273-276 |
Sheep dairy and meat products: from urban consumers’ perspective to industry innovations
Martín-Collado D., Díaz Martín C., Serrano M., Carabaño M.J., Ramón M., Zanoli R.. |
277-281 |
Effect of the presence of neomycin in goat’s milk on the making and characteristics of Tronchón cheese
Quintanilla P., Beltrán M.C., Palau B., Escriche M.I., Molina M.P.. |
283-286 |
Chaines de valeur caprines en Algérie. Propositions pour s’adapter aux mutations en vue d’un développement durable
Sahraoui H., Mamine F., Madani T.. |
287-291 |
Innovation in small ruminants’ dairy products in Lebanon: an alternative drying technique for kishk, a traditional fermented milk
Salameh C., Tabet E., Hosri C., Desobry-Banon S., Scher J.. |
293-297 |
Innovation aspects of Serdaleh, a traditional Lebanese cheese produced from raw extensive goat’s milk
Tabet E., Salameh C., Nehme M., Daher J., Hosri C.. |
299-304 |
Eye and muzzle temperatures measured using infrared thermography to assess sheep stress during shearing and foot trimming
Almeida M.D., Stilwell G., Guedes C., Silva S.R.. |
307-310 |
Classification of lactation curves on French dairy goats
Arnal M., Robert-Granié C., Larroque H.. |
311-315 |
Using different carbohydrates in prenatal life, growing and mid-lactation can affect lactation persistency in first lactating sheep
Ledda A., Lunesu M., Ledda M., Spanu G., Fenu A., Mazza A., Fancello F., Cannas A., Atzori A.S.. |
317-322 |
Eskardillo: a platform based on individual animal data collection to improve decision making in dairy goat farms
Belanche A., Fernández-Álvarez J., Martín García A.I., Yáñez Ruiz D.R.. |
323-329 |
Evaluation of subsidies for rangelands in development of sheep and goat farming
Cevher C., Ataseven Y., Altunkaynak B., Köksal Ö, Coskun Cevher S.. |
331-336 |
Comportement au pâturage des chèvres dans les montagnes du rif marocain par l’utilisation de nouvelles techniques
Chebli Y., Chentouf M., Hornick J.L., Cabaraux J.F.. |
337-340 |
Phenotyping intake rate in dairy goats, a repeatable trait which can be measured automatically
Giger-Reverdin S., Duvaux-Ponter C., Friggens N.C.. |
341-344 |
Feeding strategy of Lacaune dairy sheep: dairy ewes fed in groups according to their milk yield
Hassoun P., Hardy A., Tesnière A., Legarto J., De Boissieu C.. |
345-349 |
Caractérisation des environnements de production et de nouveaux phénotypes pour améliorer la sélection et l’adaptation des ovins et caprins dans des environnements variés
Hazard D., Larroque H., González-García E., François D., Hassoun P., Bouvier F., Parisot S., Clément V., Piacère A., Masselin-Silvin S., Buisson D., Loywyck V., Palhière I., Tortereau F., Lagriffoul G.. |
351-355 |
Feed preference and nutrient digestibility of pelleted or silage form of olive cake as affected by concentrate supplementation
Keles G., Kocaman V., Ates S.. |
357-361 |
The experience of the ANGRA farmers in prolificacy improvement by the BMP15 ovine mutation FecxR in Rasa Aragonesa
Laviña A., López M., Monteagudo L.V., Tejedor M.T., Macías Á., Martin E.. |
363-366 |
Effet de la surface cisternale de la mamelle sur la production laitière totale des brebis Sicilosardes
Najjar A., Alayet R., Hamrouni A., Boubaker B., Gasmi-Boubaker A., Ben Mrad M., Djemali M.. |
367-370 |
Genetic characterization of three genes associated with fertility performance in Egyptian small ruminant breeds
Othman O.E.M., Abd El-Kader H.A., Abd El-Rahim A.H., Abd El-Moneim O.M., Alam S.S.. |
371-377 |
Innovations in the selection program of the UPRA-Grupo Pastores in Rasa aragonesa sheep breed
Riaguas L., Fantova E., Equipo Veterinario Oviaragón Grupo Pastores, Calvo J.H., Alabart J.L., Folch J., Lahoz B., Jurado J.J., Jiménez M.A., Serrano M.. |
379-383 |
Remote sensing for real time estimate of aboveground biomass productivity in mountain pasture
Ronchi B., Primi R.. |
385-388 |
The gaps and environmental challenges for small ruminant production in Turkey
Yildirir M.. |
389-392 |
Ekiola: Piloter l’alimentation des ovins lait en s’appuyant sur les profils d’acides gras pour mieux soigner les animaux et accroître la valeur santé des produits laitiers fermiers
Arranz J.M., Loyhato C., Loyhato D.. |
395-399 |
Yogurt enrichment with Spirulina (Arthrospiraplatensis): effect on physicochemical, textural properties and consumers acceptance
Debbabi H., Boubaker B., Gmati T., Chouaibi M., Boubaker A., Snoussi A.. |
401-405 |
Performance of Eclipse Farm test coupled with e-Reader for screening antibiotics in sheep and goat’s milk
Giraldo J., Cabizza R., Sanz D., Mata L., Molina M.P.. |
407-410 |
Fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with factorial discriminant analysis as a tool to identify sheep milk from different feeding systems
Hammami M., Zouari M., Karoui R., Rouissi H.. |
411-414 |
Caractérisation de l’élevage caprin dans la région désertique de Bechar en Algérie
Kadi S.A., Mouhous A., Djellal F., Gani F., Fiouane R.. |
415-418 |
Strategies of transition towards a more sustainable food model Contribution of the Malagueña goat
Morales E., Micheo J.M., Antúnez I., Grande D., Ruíz F.A., Mena Y.. |
419-422 |
Durabilité de l'élevage ovin systèmes en Tunisie centrale: cas de la région de Sidi Bouzid
Brahmi-Mohamed A., Mechi A., Mhamdi N.. |
423-431 |
Validation of a microbiological inhibition system based on Eclipse Farm 3G coupled with e-Reader to screening β-lactam and tetracycline antibiotics in goat’s cheese whey
Giraldo J., Cabizza R., Mata L., Molina M.P.. |
433-437 |
Mountain pasture management by goat farmers: case of the Kabylia region (Algeria)
Mouhous A., Kadi S.A., Djellal F., Berchiche M.. |
439-443 |
Sensory and microbiological evaluation of Drâa goat cheese and study of its stability during storage
Noutfia Y., Alem C., Filali Zegzouti Y.. |
445-449 |
Effect of livestock stocking rate on fatty acid and tocol composition of milk from sheep managed under part-time grazing
Bravo-Lamas L., Bustamante M.A., Aldai N., Nájera A.I., Mandaluniz N., Barrón L.J.R.. |
451-456 |
Sustainability of dairy sheep farming: Examples from Greece and Spain
Tzouramani I., Zelovitis J., Intxaurrandieta J.M., Eguinoa P.. |
457-461 |
La consommation de lait de brebis dans la région de Rabat Salé Zemmour Zaer au Maroc
Benali A., Zouhair F.Z., Bendou M., El Housny A.. |
463-468 |
The commitment of sheep and goat production systems in the agro – ecological transition: a collective participative approach in Corsica
Dubeuf J.-P., Casabianca F.. |
469-477 |