OM B67

The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems for irrigation management in Southwest Europe

Erena M. (coord.), López-Francos A. (coord.), Montesinos S. (coord.), Berthoumieu J.-P. (coord.). The use of remote sensing and geographic information systems for irrigation management in Southwest Europe. Zaragoza : CIHEAM / IMIDA / SUDOE Interreg IVB (EU-ERDF), 2012. 239 p. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 67).


The loss of competitiveness and the abandonment of agricultural activities in many rural areas of Southwest Europe are worsened by problems related to water shortage and the rise in natural hazards such as droughts. Remote sensing and geographic information systems offer a huge potential to improve water management in agriculture, as they are able to provide a great amount of relatively cheap information, which can be automated, and processed and analysed for a wide range of agronomic, hydraulic and hydrological purposes. New developments in ICTs allow the products of those technologies to be easily available for end-users for practical applications. This publication is a result of the TELERIEG project (Use of remote sensing for irrigation practice recommendation and monitoring in the SUDOE space, SOE1/P2/E082, 2009-2011), co-financed by the Programme Interreg IVB-Sudoe of the EU-ERDF, with the participation of 9 beneficiary institutions from France, Portugal and Spain. The final target was to achieve a better environmental protection through more efficient and rational management of water resources in agriculture and a more effective prevention and response against natural risks. The project has generated a vigilance and recommendations system for vast areas. Specifically, data collection, information analysis and decision-making services were developed, based on geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, allowing water users and managers to have timely information and a useful decision-making tool for irrigation water management. The chapters of this book were part of the learning and support materials prepared by the lecturers of the international course on “The use of remote sensing for irrigation management”, organised by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza in November 2011, with the aim of disseminating the knowledge and tools created by TELERIEG and by other initiatives in the field of the application of remote sensing to agricultural water management. The chapters collect information at different levels: generalities on remote sensing and the theoretical basis of its application to agriculture, methodologies for specific measurements and applications, and field experiences and case studies. The book is accompanied by a DVD containing additional materials which were used for the course, such as presentations, teaching practical materials (images and data), software practicals and the pdf version of the book chapters.The loss of competitiveness and the abandonment of agricultural activities in many rural areas of Southwest Europe are worsened by problems related to water shortage and the rise in natural hazards such as droughts. Remote sensing and geographic information systems offer a huge potential to improve water management in agriculture, as they are able to provide a great amount of relatively cheap information, which can be automated, and processed and analysed for a wide range of agronomic, hydraulic and hydrological purposes. New developments in ICTs allow the products of those technologies to be easily available for end-users for practical applications. This publication is a result of the TELERIEG project (Use of remote sensing for irrigation practice recommendation and monitoring in the SUDOE space, SOE1/P2/E082, 2009-2011), co-financed by the Programme Interreg IVB-Sudoe of the EU-ERDF, with the participation of 9 beneficiary institutions from France, Portugal and Spain. The final target was to achieve a better environmental protection through more efficient and rational management of water resources in agriculture and a more effective prevention and response against natural risks. The project has generated a vigilance and recommendations system for vast areas. Specifically, data collection, information analysis and decision-making services were developed, based on geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, allowing water users and managers to have timely information and a useful decision-making tool for irrigation water management. The chapters of this book were part of the learning and support materials prepared by the lecturers of the international course on “The use of remote sensing for irrigation management”, organised by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza in November 2011, with the aim of disseminating the knowledge and tools created by TELERIEG and by other initiatives in the field of the application of remote sensing to agricultural water management. The chapters collect information at different levels: generalities on remote sensing and the theoretical basis of its application to agriculture, methodologies for specific measurements and applications, and field experiences and case studies. The book is accompanied by a DVD containing additional materials which were used for the course, such as presentations, teaching practical materials (images and data), software practicals and the pdf version of the book chapters.


Gestion de l’Eau : Aspects Géopolitique, Economique, Technique et Social


The TELERIEG Project
Erena M., López-Francos A..
Background of TELERIEG project
Berthoumieu J.-P..
Geographic information systems: data versus information. Introduction to remote sensing
Montesinos S., Fernandes L..
Generation and interpretation of images
Montesinos S., Fernández L..
Spanish National Remote Sensing Program, a way to achieve massive use of remote sensing data
Peces J.J., Villa G., Arozarena A., Plaza N., Tejeiro J.A., Domenech E..
Introduction to ILWIS GIS tool
Montesinos S., Fernández L..
Use of remote sensing for the calculation of biophysical indicators
Hernández Z., Sánchez D., Pecci J., Intrigiolo D.S., Erena M..
Assessment of vegetation indexes from remote sensing: theoretical basis
García Galiano S.G..
Estimation of irrigated crops areas: generation of water demand scenarios
Montesinos S., Fernández L..
Remote sensing based water balance to estimate evapotranspiration and irrigation water requirements. Case study: grape vineyards
Campos I., Boteta L., Balbontín C., Fabião M., Maia J., Calera A..
Models for assessment of actual evapotranspiration from remote sensing: theoretical basis
García Galiano S.G., Baille A..
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration from remote sensing: application in a semiarid region
García Galiano S.G., García Cárdenas R..
Thermostress. An automatic imaging process for assessing plant water status from thermal photographs
Jiménez-Bello M.A., Ballester C., Castel J.R., Intrigliolo D.S..
The use of multispectral and thermal images as a tool for irrigation scheduling in vineyards
Bellvert J., Girona J..
Study of the effects of irrigation on stem water potential and multispectral data obtained from remote sensing systems in woody crops
Alarcón J.J., Pérez-Cutillas P..
Use of remote sensing and geographic information tools for irrigation management of citrus trees
Jiménez-Bello M.A., Ruiz L.A., Hermosilla T., Recio J., Intrigliolo D.S..
Automated extraction of agronomic parameters in orchard plots from high-resolution imagery
Recio J., Hermosilla T., Ruiz L.A..
Thermal infra-red remote sensing for water stress estimation in agriculture
Labbé S., Lebourgeois V., Jolivot A., Marti R..
Contribution of airborne remote sensing to high-throughput phenotyping of a hybrid apple population in response to soil water constraints
Virlet N., Martínez S., Lebourgeois V., Labbé S., Regnard J.L..
Irrigation decision support system assisted by satellite. Alqueva irrigation scheme case study
Maia J., Boteta L., Fabião M., Santos M., Calera A., Campos I..
Transpiration and water stress effects on water use, in relation to estimations from NDVI: application in a vineyard in SE Portugal
Ferreira M.I., Conceição N., Silvestre J., Fabião M..
Contribution of remote sensing in analysis of crop water stress. Case study on durum wheat
Jolivot A., Labbé S., Lebourgeois V..
Application of INSPIRE directive to water management on large irrigation areas
Erena M., García P., López J., Caro M., Atenza J., Sánchez D., Hernández Z., García R.M., García R.P..
Soil salinity prospects based on the quality of irrigation water used in the Segura Basin
Alcón F., Atenza J., Erena M., Alarcón J.J..
Radar-aided understanding of semiarid areas: Maximum depression storage and storm motion
García-Pintado J., Barbera G., Erena M., Lopez J.A., Castillo V.M., Cabezas F..