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1998 - 253 p.

Liberalization of animal health requirements for the international trade of animals and animal products

Reichard R.

The Office International des Epizooties (OIE) is the world organization for animal health. One of the OIE's three main aims since its establishment 72 years ago is to harmonize regulations for the international trade of animals and their products. To this end, the OIE produces two periodically updated volumes: the International Animal Health Code and the Manual of Standards for Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines. Both publications are prepared by specialists whose contributions are agreed upon by the official Veterinary Services of the 144 Member Countries. The Code describes, among other relevant subjects, the import-export requirements for animals and animal products with regard to over 80 diseases important for trade, and the Manual provides the diagnostic and vaccine requirements for these diseases. Food standards under the SPS are addressed by the FAO-WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission. An internationally recognized list of foot and mouth disease free countries and zones within countries has been initiated. Thus, the organization participates in facilitating trade while protecting animal and human health.



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Reichard R. Liberalization of animal health requirements for the international trade of animals and animal products. In : Belhadj T. (ed.), Boutonnet J.P. (ed.), Di Giulio A. (ed.). Filière des viandes rouges dans les pays méditerranéens . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1998. p. 195-197. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 35). Séminaire International sur la Filière des Viandes Rouges dans les Pays Méditerranéens, 20-23 Apr 1997, Tunis (Tunisia). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a35/98606231.pdf