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2004 - 340 p.

Diet quality of sheep and goats grazing in the Gorbeia Natural Park (Basque Country)

Mandaluniz N., Oregui L.M.

The work focused on the diet quality of sheep and goats grazing in mountain pastures (June-October) in the Gorbeia Natural Park (Basque Country). This study was carried out on commercial flocks within a free-ranging production system. The estimation of diet quality was stated from the faecal nitrogen concentration, which is considered a good predictor of diet quality and has been used for both species. The effect of both factors considered, species and season, was significant. Sheep had significantly higher values of faecal N than goats. These differences could reflect differences in grazing strategies. The highest values of faecal N were found during the first part of the grazing season, decreasing as summer progresses, probably because of the herbaceous components withering. A recovery of faecal N concentration was observed at the end of the grazing season. However goats seem to be more able to maintain the faecal N concentration throughout the mountain grazing period.



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Mandaluniz N., Oregui L.M. Diet quality of sheep and goats grazing in the Gorbeia Natural Park (Basque Country). In : Dubeuf J.-P. (ed.). L'évolution des systèmes de production ovine et caprine : avenir des systèmes extensifs face aux changements de la société . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2004. p. 179-184. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 61). Séminaire du Sous-Réseau Systèmes de Production du Réseau Coopératif Interrégional FAO-CIHEAM de Recherche et Développement sur les Ovins et les Caprins, 2002/04/04-06, Alghero (Italy). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a61/04600100.pdf