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Hadjipavlou G. Ligda C. 2022. Addressing the challenges of agro-pastoral farming systems to strengthen their resilience. OM A129
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Capone R. Bottalico F. El Bilali H. Ottomano Palmisano G. Cardone G. Acquafredda A. 2021. Pastoralism and sustainable development: proceedings. OM A126
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López-Francos A. Jouven M. Porqueddu C. Ben Salem H. Keli A. Araba A. Chentouf M. 2021. Efficiency and resilience of forage resources and small ruminant production to cope with global challenges in Mediterranean areas. OM A125
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El Moujabber M. Belhouchette H. Belkhodja M. Kalaitzis P. 2020. Research and innovation as tools for sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition security. OM A124
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Ruiz R. López-Francos A. López Marco L. 2019. Innovation for sustainability in sheep and goats. OM A123
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Zrncic S. 2020. Diagnostic Manual for the main pathogens in European seabass and Gilthead seabream aquaculture. OM B75
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Petruzzella D. Di Mambro A. 2016. Innovation in the Mediterranean agrifood sector. Concepts, experiences and actors in a developing ecosystem. OM B74
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Ilbert H. Hoxha V. Sahi L. Courivaud A. Chailan C. 2016. Le marché des plantes aromatiques et médicinales : analyse des tendances du marché mondial et des stratégies économiques en Albanie et en Algérie. OM B73
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Vianey G. Requier-Desjardins M. Paoli J.C. 2015. Accaparement, action publique, stratégies individuelles et ressources naturelles : regards croisés sur la course aux terres et à l’eau en contextes méditerranéens. OM B72
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Morini C. Rodriguez Clemente R. Arvanitis R. Chaabouni R. 2013. Moving forward in the Euro-Mediterranean Research and Innovation partnership. The experience of the MIRA project. OM B71
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