Technologies for crop improvement in the 21st century
Miflin B.. |
19-25 |
Production et commercialisation du blé dur dans le monde
Morancho J.. |
29-33 |
Durum wheat in WANA: Production, trade, and gains from technological change
Belaid A.. |
35-49 |
FAO durum wheat database
Gómez Macpherson H., Marathée J.P.. |
51-54 |
Some remarks on ecophysiological traits for breeding
Araus J.L., Bort J., Casadesús J., Nachit M., Villegas D., Aparicio N., Royo C.. |
57-62 |
Tools for improving the efficiency of durum wheat selection under Mediterranean conditions
Royo C., Aparicio N., Villegas D., García del Moral L.F., Casadesús J., Araus J.L.. |
63-70 |
The utilisation of Triticum and Aegilops species for the improvement of durum wheat
Monneveux P., Zaharieva M., Rekika D.. |
71-81 |
Enhancing genetic grain yield potential and yield stability in durum wheat
Pfeiffer W.H., Sayre K.D., Reynolds M.P.. |
83-93 |
Applying physiological strategies to improve yield potential
Reynolds M.P., Pfeiffer W.H.. |
95-103 |
Evaluation du progrès génétique chez quelques variétés de blé dur (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) cultivées en Algérie
Benbelkacem A., Kellou K.. |
105-110 |
Prospect for the use of Hordeum chilense in durum wheat breeding
Martín A., Cabrera A., Hernández P., Ramírez M.C., Rubiales D., Ballesteros J.. |
111-115 |
Canopy reflectance indices: A new tool for assessing durum wheat LAI and yield
Aparicio N., Villegas D., Casadesús J., Araus J.L., Royo C.. |
117-119 |
Callus formation and plant regeneration from young wheat spikes: Effect of genotypes
Bennaceur M.. |
121-124 |
Cultivated emmer is valuable germplasm for durum wheat breeding
Boguslavskij R.L., Golik O.V., Tkachenko T.T.. |
125-127 |
Growth assessment of individual plants by an adapted remote sensing technique
Casadesús J., Tambussi E., Royo C., Araus J.L.. |
129-132 |
Annual effect on grain quality of winter durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) in Szeged, Hungary
Cseuz L., Matuz J., Beke B.. |
133-135 |
Croissance du grain chez neuf cultivars de blé dur
Erchidi A.E., Talouizte A., Benbella M.. |
137-140 |
Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a new screening tool to increase durum wheat yield
Ferrio J.P., Araus J.L., Bertran E., Nachit M., Royo C.. |
141-144 |
Carbon isotope discrimination and yield in durum wheat grown in the high plains of Sétif (Algeria). Contribution of different organs to grain filling
Hafsi M., Monneveux P., Merah O., Djekoune A.. |
145-147 |
Problématique de la culture de microspores chez le blé dur Triticum turgidum L. var. durum
Jaiti F., El Hadrami I., El Jaafari S., Nachit M., Baum M., De Buyser J., Picard E.. |
149-152 |
Collection of durum wheat global genetic resources at VIR
Liapounova O.. |
153-156 |
Use of ISSR markers for cultivar identification in durum wheat
Pasqualone A., Lotti C., Bruno A., De Vita P., Di Fonzo N., Blanco A.. |
157-161 |
Essai d'obtention d'haploïdes doublés de Triticum turgidum L. var. durum par croisements intergénériques avec Zea mays et Hordeum bulbosum
Ramla D., Khelafi H.. |
163-165 |
Etude de la stabilité du rendement de blé dur dans différentes régions de la Tunisie
Rezgui M., Ben Mechlia N., Bizid E., Kalboussi R., Hayouni R.. |
167-172 |
Evaluation of durum wheat in the Czech gene bank: Quality parameters
Stehno Z.. |
173-176 |
Euploid and monosomic interspecific T. aestivum x T. durum hybrids-production and cytogenetic characteristics
Tyankova N.. |
177-179 |
Carbon isotope discrimination, canopy temperature depression and nitrogen content as tools for grain yield assessment in Mediterranean conditions
Villegas D., Aparicio N., Royo C., Araus J.L.. |
181-184 |
Agronomic performance of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) possessing the 1BL-1RS translocation cultivated at Mediterranean environments
Zarco-Hernández J., Michelena A., Peña R.J.. |
185-188 |
Comparative genetics of drought tolerance
Sorrells M.E., Diab A., Nachit M.. |
191-201 |
Relationship of dryland productivity and drought tolerance with some molecular markers for possible MAS in durum (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum)
Nachit M., Monneveux P., Araus J.L., Sorrells M.E.. |
203-206 |
Molecular aspects of abiotic stress resistance in durum wheat
Mastrangelo A.M., Rascio A., Mazzucco L., Russo M., Di Fonzo N., Cattivelli L.. |
207-213 |
Resistance to abiotic stresses in durum wheat: Which ideotype?
Di Fonzo N., Campanile R.G., Stoppelli M.C., Spano G., Rascio A., Russo M., Trono D., Padalino L., Laus M., De Vita P., Troccoli A., Flagella Z., Shewry P.R., Lawlor D.. |
215-225 |
La résistance au stress hydrique chez le blé dur : Comparaison des comportements au niveau cellulaire et au niveau de la plante entière
Bajji M., Lutts S., Kinet J.M.. |
227-231 |
Photosynthetic water use efficiency of old and modern durum wheat genotypes from southeastern Anatolia, Turkey
Barutçular C., Genç I., Koç M.. |
233-238 |
Tolérance à la salinité, transports ioniques et fluorescence chlorophyllienne chez le blé dur (Triticum turgidum L.)
Bouaouina S., Zid E., Hajji M.. |
239-243 |
Identification des critères agro-physiologiques d'adaptation du blé dur aux basses températures et à la sécheresse
Dekkaki M., Amssa M., Qariani L.. |
245-249 |
Durum wheat breeding for abiotic stresses resistance: Defining physiological traits and criteria
El Jaafari S.. |
251-256 |
The tolerance of durum wheat to high temperatures during grain filling
Maçãs B., Gomes M.C., Dias A.S., Coutinho J.. |
257-261 |
Physiological analysis of salinity resistance in Triticum turgidum var. durum Desf.: Callus versus whole plant responses
Almansouri M., Kinet J.M., Lutts S.. |
263-265 |
Réponses physiologiques de quelques variétés de blé dur à la salinité au stade juvénile
Arbaoui M., Benkhelifa M., Belkhodja M.. |
267-270 |
Obtention d'embryons par croisement interspécifique entre le blé dur et Aegilops
Djenadi C.. |
271-273 |
Evolution of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in durum wheat as affected by air temperature
Elhani S., Rharrabti Y., García del Moral L.F., Roca L.F.. |
275-277 |
Relation entre certains paramètres contrôlant les pertes en eau et le rendement grain chez neuf variétés de blé dur soumises au stress hydrique
Erchidi A.E., Talouizte A., Benbella M.. |
279-282 |
Effet du sel sur les paramètres hydriques d'un cultivar de blé dur : contribution des phénomènes de déshydratation et d'accumulation aux variations de Gamma PI
Haouala R., El Aouni M.H.. |
283-285 |
Mécanisme ou stratégie de résistance à la sécheresse : Cas du blé, de l'orge et du triticale
Hayek T., Ben Salem M., Zid E.. |
287-290 |
Erosion des variétés de blé dur cultivées en Algérie : perspectives
Hazmoune T.. |
291-294 |
Effet du déficit hydrique sur la production de deux variétés de blé dur (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) en région semi-aride
Larbi A., Mekliche A., Abed R., Badis M.. |
295-297 |
Carbon isotope discrimination: Potential interest for grain yield improvement in durum wheat
Merah O., Deléens E., Araus J.L., Souyris I., Nachit M., Monneveux P.. |
299-301 |
Evaluation of selection criteria for performance of wheat cultivars during high temperature stress in the field
Ouabbou H., Paulsen G.M.. |
303-307 |
Comportement physiologique du blé dur (Triticum durum L.) en milieu salé
Ouerghi Z., Zid E., Hajji M., Soltani A.. |
309-313 |
Cuticular conductance, water use efficiency and drought tolerance of durum wheat isolines of differing glaucousness
Qariani L., El Jaafari S., Dekkaki M., Araus J.L.. |
315-318 |
A durum wheat mutant with resistance to salt stress
Russo M., Mazzucco L., Nicastro G., Troccoli A., Di Fonzo N., Rascio A.. |
319-322 |
Spectroradiometrical evaluation of photosynthetic efficiency in durum wheat subjected to drought
Tambussi E.A., Araus J.L., Casadesús J.. |
323-326 |
Adaptation photosynthétique et résistance à la sécheresse chez le blé dur (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) : Analyse de la variabilité génotypique
Ykhlef N., Djekoun A.. |
327-330 |
Combination of mechanisms of resistance to rust fungi as a strategy to increase durability
Rubiales D., Niks R.E.. |
333-339 |
Breeding durum wheat for biotic stresses in the Mediterranean region
Nsarellah N., Lhaloui S., Nachit M.. |
341-347 |
Effet du génotype, de la date de semis, de la fertilisation azotée et potassique et des fongicides sur le développement de Septoria tritici
Ben Mohamed L., Rouaissi M., Sebei A., Hamza S., Harrabi M.. |
349-356 |
Leaf rust of durum wheats
Ezzahiri B.. |
357-361 |
Chromosomally engineered durum wheat: The potential of alien gene introgressions affecting disease resistance and quality
Ceoloni C., Forte P., Ciaffi M., Nenno M., Bitti A., De Vita P., D'Egidio M.G.. |
363-371 |
Biotic stress limiting durum wheat production in Morocco - Hessian fly and the Russian wheat aphid: Surveys, loss assessment, and identification of sources of resistance
Lhaloui S., Nsarellah N., El Bouhssini M., Nachit M., Amri A.. |
373-379 |
Antagonistic effect of endophytes against several root-rot pathogens of wheat
Tunali B., Marshall D.. |
381-386 |
Multiple disease resistance in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum)
Yahyaoui A., Al Naimi M., Nachit M., Hakim S.. |
387-392 |
New sources of resistance in durum wheat and wild relatives to Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae)
El Bouhssini M., Nachit M.. |
393-395 |
Breeding for resistance to Septoria tritici in durum wheat
Gharbi M.S., Deghais M., Ben Amar F.. |
397-401 |
Cultural practices affecting the rate of fusarium damage in durum wheats
Pérez-Marco P.. |
403-405 |
Survey of wheat diseases in Morocco during three consecutive seasons 1997, 1998 and 1999
Ramdani A., Ibriz H.. |
407-411 |
Variability for resistance to cereal cyst nematodes in Triticeae: Potential use for Triticum turgidum L. var. durum improvement
Rivoal R., Bel Hadj Fradj M., Valette S., Mokabli A., Jahier J., Zaharieva M., Nicol J.M.. |
413-416 |
Effects of powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis) severity on durum wheat cultivars
Tomás A., Solís I.. |
417-419 |
Durum wheat for pasta and bread-making. Comparison of methods used in breeding to determine gluten quality-related parameters
Peña R.J.. |
423-430 |
Bases biochimiques du brunissement des pâtes alimentaires
Feillet P., Autran J.C., Icard-Vernière C.. |
431-438 |
Evaluation of predictors of quality for use in early generation selection
Clarke J.M., Clarke F.R., McCaig T.N., Knox R.E., Ames N.P.. |
439-446 |
Use of interspecific hybridisation in quality improvement of cereals
Martín L.M., Alvarez J.B.. |
447-454 |
Variation for grain protein content and identification of QTLs by molecular markers in tetraploid wheats
Blanco A., Simeone R., Laddomada B., Pasqualone A., Troccoli A., Di Fonzo N.. |
455-461 |
Relationship between endosperm proteins and quality in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum)
Carrillo J.M., Martínez M.C., Moita Brites C., Nieto-Taladriz M.T., Vázquez J.F.. |
463-467 |
Exploring and manipulating the structures and functional properties of wheat seed proteins
Shewry P.R., Tatham A.S., Fido R.J., He G.Y., Rooke L., Barro F., Lamacchia C., Di Fonzo N., Békés F., Barcelo P., Lazzeri P.. |
469-473 |
Clarté des pâtes et polymorphisme moléculaire des peroxydases - Développement de marqueurs S-SAP
Alix K., Ripetti V., David J., Roumet P., Bru D., Santoni S.. |
475-478 |
Quality of durum wheat breeding lines: Genetic and environmental effects
Brites C.M., Maçãs B., Muacho C., Coco J.. |
479-484 |
Breeding durum wheat for grain yield and quality
Josephides C.M.. |
485-488 |
Prédiction du rendement en semoule par spectroscopie proche infrarouge sur grains entiers
Ripetti-Ballester V., Roumet P., Chaurand M.. |
489-491 |
Results of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) breeding in Szeged, Hungary
Beke B., Matuz J., Cseuz L.. |
493-495 |
Lipoxygenase in durum wheat: What is the role in pasta colour?
Borrelli G.M., Troccoli A., Fares C., Trono D., De Leonardis A.M., Padalino L., Di Fonzo N., Pastore D., Del Giudice L.. |
497-499 |
Environmental conditions inducing black-point symptoms in durum wheat
Desclaux D.. |
501-503 |
QTL-mapping of genomic regions controlling gluten strength in durum (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum)
Elouafi I., Nachit M., Elsaleh A., Asbati A., Mather D.E.. |
505-509 |
Breeding spring Triticum turgidum L. var. durum on bread-making quality in Yurjev Plant Production Institute
Golik V.S.. |
511-513 |
Agronomic and bread-making characteristics of durum wheat genotypes deriving from interspecific hybridisation with bread wheat
Palumbo M., Spina A., Boggini G.. |
515-518 |
Study on the functional quality of durum wheat variety Neptun 2
Petrova I., Belcheva L., Velkov B., Cvetkov S., Cvetkov K.. |
519-523 |
Polymorfism of the glutenins and gliadins in emmer wheat from Spain
Pflüger L.A., Alvarez J.B., Martín L.M.. |
525-527 |
Relationship between some quality traits and yield of durum wheat under southern Spain conditions
Rharrabti Y., Elhani S., García del Moral L.F., Martos V.. |
529-531 |
Combining productivity and sustainability: A challenge for the new millenium
Anderson W.K.. |
535-541 |
Genetic and agronomic approaches to improve durum wheat quality in Morocco
Amri A., Boujnah M., Nsarellah N., Taghouti M., Nachit M.. |
543-547 |
Influence of tillage systems on yield and quality of durum wheat in Southern Italy
Pisante M., Basso F.. |
549-554 |
Durum wheat quality management
Ranieri R.. |
555-557 |
Contribution à la mise en place d'une approche intégrée de lutte contre la sécheresse chez le blé dur au Maroc
Karrou M.. |
559-567 |
Durum wheat yield sustainability or ecosystem sustainability?: Effects of state policies on farmers' behaviour in Algeria
Malki M., Redjel N.. |
569-573 |
Nitrogen fertilization effects on yield and quality of durum wheat in the Ebro Valley (Spain)
Abad A., Lloveras J., Michelena A., Ferrán J.. |
575-577 |
Gestion de l'irrigation du blé par des indicateurs de l'état hydrique
Aldaoui A., Hartani T.. |
579-582 |
L'efficience de l'eau en zome semi-aride. Une approche simple pour l'optimisation du rendement et une meilleure gestion de l'eau
Benseddik B.. |
583-585 |
Evaluation d'itinéraires techniques pour le blé dur dans le Sud-Ouest de la France
Debaeke P., Raffaillac D.. |
587-590 |
Conditions climatiques, production et fertilisation azotée
Latiri K.. |
591-593 |
Performance of selected durum wheat genotypes under different environmental conditions in eastern Egypt
El Shazly M.S., El Ashry M.A., El Sebae A.S., Nachit M.. |
595-600 |
Spanish landraces collection of durum wheat maintained at the CRF-INIA
Ruiz M., Martín I.. |
601-606 |