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1997 - 213 p.

Evolution des accords de l'U.E. avec les pays tiers méditerranéens

Renier Y.

After a presentation of the Mediterranean policy of the European Community and the presentation of the agreements of trade and co-operation, the author recalls the evolution of these agreements between the EU and the countries of the area. The new Mediterranean policy is directed towards a true Euro-Mediterranean partnership marked by the creation of a Free trade area. This policy will be accompanied by a significant financial assistance. Within this framework, Euro-Mediterranean agreements were concluded between the Community, on the one hand, and Tunisia, Morocco and lsraë1, on the other hand. These new agreements must make it possible to gradually liberalise the trade of the agricultural produce by preferential and reciprocal access. The author concludes by evoking the other shutters from these Euro-Mediterranean agreements, namely, the economic and financial co-operation and the political dialogue between the Union and his partners.



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Renier Y. Evolution des accords de l'U.E. avec les pays tiers méditerranéens. In : Papadopoulou Z. (comp.), Cauwet L. (comp.), Papadopoulou Z. (collab.), Cauwet L. (collab.). The GATT and Mediterranean agricultural trade . Chania : CIHEAM, 1997. p. 91-95. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 30). Séminaire sur 'Le GATT et les Echanges Agricoles Méditerranéens', 1995/12/03-05, Chania (Greece). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a30/CI000410.pdf