Fait partie de [OMC09]

1995 - 158 p.

Analyse comparative d'instruments de lutte contre la pollution

Zekri S.

Agricultural pollution is not a problem only for the industrialized countries. Pollution is also apparent in the less developed countries under different forms: erosion, water pollution by fertilizers and pesticides, landscape degradation, etc. This paper presents the different instruments that help to prevent and/or reduce pollution and analyses their performance. The instruments here considered are: moral persuasion, design standards, performance standards, economic instruments and research. The analysis refers to the economic and environmental efficiency of these instruments as well as to the possibilities of implementation.



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Zekri S. Analyse comparative d'instruments de lutte contre la pollution. In : Zekri S. (ed.), Laajimi A. (ed.). Agriculture, durabilité et environnement . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 61-73. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 9). Séminaire de l'Association Tunisienne des Anciens de l'Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Zaragoza (ATA-IAMZ), 1993/12/02-03, Tunis (Tunisia). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c09/96605580.pdf