p. 83-88  

Protocol M - Available methods for sexing and tagging sea bass [Pratical guide of protocols: sexing and tagging]

Fish tagging and sexing are important tools for both research and management of fish. Thus, understanding of genotypic sex and the availability of methods for tagging fish are basic tasks in aquaculture. The ability for distinguishing sex at early developmental stages could facilitate breeding techniques and improve the production of farm fish species. However, most fishes are not phenotypically different and males are undistinguishable from females. Although several approaches have been addressed for sexing fish, finding a reliable, fast and easy methodology is more complicated than expected. The main objective of this Protocol is to present three available methods for sexing sea bass.

La détermination du sexe et le marquage des poissons sont d'importants outils pour la recherche et la gestion aquacole. La possibilité de distinguer le sexe, à un stade précoce peut faciliter les techniques d'élevage et améliorer la production. Cependant, chez la plupart des espèces, il est difficile de distinguer les mâles des femelles. Bien que plusieurs approches aient été abordées de trouver une méthode fiable, rapide et facile se révèle plus complexe que prévu. Ce protocole présente trois méthodes de détermination du sexe chez le bar.



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Protocol M - Available methods for sexing and tagging sea bass [Pratical guide of protocols: sexing and tagging]. In : Felip A. (ed.), Carrillo M. (ed.), Herráez M.P. (ed.), Zanuy S. (ed.), Basurco B. (ed.). Advances in fish reproduction and their application to broodstock management: a pratical manual for sea bass. Zaragoza : CIHEAM / CSIC-IATS, 2009. p. 83-88. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 63). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/b63/00800919.pdf