OM B63

Advances in fish reproduction and their application to broodstock management: a pratical manual for sea bass

Felip A. (ed.), Carrillo M. (ed.), Herráez M.P. (ed.), Zanuy S. (ed.), Basurco B. (ed.). Advances in fish reproduction and their application to broodstock management: a pratical manual for sea bass. Zaragoza : CIHEAM / CSIC-IATS, 2009. 95 p. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 63).


Pêche et Aquaculture


Protocol A - Sampling and slaughter methods [Pratical guide of protocols: sampling procedures] 11-14
Protocol B - Induction of spawning and artificial fertilization [Pratical guide of protocols: broodstock management] 17-21
Protocol C - Determination of egg quality and spawning performance [Pratical guide of protocols: broodstock management] 23-25
Protocol D - Cryopreservation of sperm [Pratical guide of protocols: sperm quality] 29-33
Protocol E - Evaluation of sperm quality [Pratical guide of protocols: sperm quality] 35-39
Protocol F - Induction of triploidy by cold shock [Pratical guide of protocols: chromosome set manipulation] 43-48
Protocol G - Inactivation of sperm DNA by UV-light [Pratical guide of protocols: chromosome set manipulation] 49-52
Protocol H - Induction of gynogenesis using UV-light and cold shock [Pratical guide of protocols: chromosome set manipulation] 53-57
Protocol I - Preparation of metaphasic chromosomes [Pratical guide of protocols: methods of verification of the ploidy] 61-65
Protocol J - Silver staining of NOR regions [Pratical guide of protocols: methods of verification of the ploidy] 67-70
Protocol K - Erythrocyte measurements [Pratical guide of protocols: methods of verification of the ploidy] 71-74
Protocol L - An AFLP approach for assessment of maternal inheritance of gynogenetic sea bass [Pratical guide of protocols: methods of verification of the ploidy] 75-80
Protocol M - Available methods for sexing and tagging sea bass [Pratical guide of protocols: sexing and tagging] 83-88