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2004 - 340 p.

Sambucana sheep breeding in Valle Stura di Demonte and meat characteristics: Present situation and outlooks on future

Battaglini L.M., Tassone S., Lussiana C., Cugno D.

In Valle Stura di Demonte (NW Italian Alps), sheep breeding is a traditional activity based on Alpine summer pasture exploitation. This study aimed to assess the meat quality of heavy lambs. Sixteen Sambucana lamb in vivo and slaughter traits were surveyed. The nutritional characteristics, as well as the physical and technological properties of the meat, were analysed. On the basis of a survey on the composition and quality of summer pasture vegetation, a grazing management more compatible with the herbage conservation and regeneration was defined. In order to individuate the optimal moment for sheep exploitation, four pastoral vegetation types were studied, and quality “routes” that shepherds should adopt to ensure the best forage quality were drawn. The relation between breeding systems, grazing land management and meat quality still have to be specified by further research.



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Battaglini L.M., Tassone S., Lussiana C., Cugno D. Sambucana sheep breeding in Valle Stura di Demonte and meat characteristics: Present situation and outlooks on future. In : Dubeuf J.-P. (ed.). L'évolution des systèmes de production ovine et caprine : avenir des systèmes extensifs face aux changements de la société . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2004. p. 195-199. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 61). Séminaire du Sous-Réseau Systèmes de Production du Réseau Coopératif Interrégional FAO-CIHEAM de Recherche et Développement sur les Ovins et les Caprins, 2002/04/04-06, Alghero (Italy). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a61/04600103.pdf