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2003 - 172 p.

Spread of Plum Pox Virus strain M and monitoring of aphid populations in stone-fruit orchards in Greece

Varveri C., Dimou D., Zintzaras E., Papapanagiotou A., Di Terlizzi B.

Two apricot orchards, established in Southern Greece with healthy planting materials in 1992 and 1993, were monitored since 1996 for Plum pox virus (PPV) spread. Trees were sampled in late April 1996 to 2000. Leaves were tested by DAS-EL1SA. PPV strain identification was by DAS1-EL1SA with PPV-M or -D type specific monoclonal antibodies. The orchards were established in different areas: orchard 1 in an area with high inoculum pressure and orchard 2 was in an isolated site. in all infected trees, only PPV-M was identified. Differences in the rate of PPV spread were observed among plots and orchards. PPV incidence in plot la was 88.6 percent, in plot 1 b 41 percent and in orchard 2, 40.8 percent. it would appear that the hedge might have effected aphid movements and virus spread. Five aphid vector species were identified, among which Aphis gossypii, was the most abundant. The statistical analysis applied here demonstrated that initial infections appeared in a random way and that no spatial disease gradient developed.



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Varveri C., Dimou D., Zintzaras E., Papapanagiotou A., Di Terlizzi B. Spread of Plum Pox Virus strain M and monitoring of aphid populations in stone-fruit orchards in Greece. In : Myrta A. (ed.), Di Terlizzi B. (ed.), Savino V. (ed.). Virus and virus-like diseases of stone fruits, with particular reference to the Mediterranean region. Bari : CIHEAM, 2003. p. 103-106. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 45). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/b45/03001780.pdf