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2012 - 677 p.

The weight loss in the production of non-fermented salami "capocollo", "fiocco" and dry cured ham from "casertana" pig ancient autochthonous genetic type (AAGT). Further contribution

Matassino D., Gigante G., Grasso M., Barone C.M.A.

The study was carried out to monitor the weight loss of three unfermented local products (LP), "capocollo Sannita", "fiocco Sannita" and dry cured ham, obtained from males (castrated not less than 40 days before slaughter) and entire females belonging to the "Casertana" pig AAGT, reared at the experimental farm of ConSDABI Sub NFP.I.-FAO. The results, valid within the observation field, showed that for all three products the weight loss during the seasoning, in the same conditions, was statistically greater (P<0.001) in castrated male than that obtained from the entire female and, in particular: (i) the capocollo Sannita [54 (♂♂) and 62 ♀♀] has decreased by 25% vs 20% at 1 month, 39% vs 33% at 3 months and 45% vs 42% at 6 months; (ii) the fiocco Sannita [51 (♂♂) and 41♀♀] has decreased by 22% vs 17% at 1 month and 43% vs 39% at 12 months; (iii) the dry cured ham [34 (♂♂) and 42 ♀♀] has decreased by 9% vs 7% at 1 month, 18% vs 14% at 3 months reaching the highest value at 24 months (33% vs 27%).

L'étude a été menée pour surveiller la diminution de poids pendant la maturation de trois produits locaux (PL) non fermentés : "capocollo Sannita", "fiocco Sannita" et "prosciutto Sannita", obtenus à partir de mâles (castrés au moins 40 jours avant l'abattage) et femelles non castrées du TGAA "Casertana" (CT) élevés chez le ConSDABI SUB NFP.I.- FAO. Les résultats, valables dans le champ d'observation, ont montré que pour les trois produits la perte de poids pendant la maturation, en conditions égales, s'est avérée plus élevée pour le mâle castré par rapport à la femelle non castrée et, en particulier: (i) le "capocollo Sannita" [54 (♂♂) et 62 ♀♀] a diminué de 25% vs 20% à 1 mois, de 39% vs 33% à 3 mois et de 45% vs 42% à 6 mois ; (ii) le ‘fiocco Sannita’ [51 (♂♂) et 41♀♀] a diminué en moyenne de 22% vs 17% après 1 mois, et de 43% vs 39 après 12 mois de maturation ; (iii) le "prosciutto Sannita" [34 (♂♂) et 42 ♀♀] a diminué en moyenne de 9% vs 7% après 1 mois, de 18% vs 14% après 3 mois et de 33% vs 27% après 24 mois.



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Matassino D., Gigante G., Grasso M., Barone C.M.A. The weight loss in the production of non-fermented salami "capocollo", "fiocco" and dry cured ham from "casertana" pig ancient autochthonous genetic type (AAGT). Further contribution. In : De Pedro E.J. (ed.), Cabezas A.B. (ed.). 7th International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2012. p. 419-422. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 101). 7. International Symposium on the Mediterranean Pig, 2010/10/14-16, Córdoba (Spain). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a101/00006719.pdf