Research Activity on Medicago Spp. at the 'Istituto Sperimentale per la Colture Foraggere', Lodi-Italy
Rotili P., Berardo N., Gnocchi G., Pecetti L., Piano E., Scotti C.. |
11-22 |
Programs for Improvement of Medicago spp. at ENMP-Portugal. I. Distribution of annual medics as related to soil properties and climatic conditions
Carneiro J.P., Serrão M.G.. |
23-29 |
Synthèse des travaux de recherche réalisés sur les Medicago à l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie
Seklani H., Zoghlami A., Mezni M., Hassen H.. |
31-37 |
From autoecology to variability of medics in Algeria: synthesis trial of works realized at the National Agronomic Institute - El Harrach
Abdelguerfi A., Si Ziani Y., Kies N., Ait Ouada M.. |
39-52 |
Le point sur les travaux réalisés en amélioration des plantes sur les luzernes annuelles par le Programme Fourrages de l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Maroc
Bounejmate M.. |
53-64 |
The lucerne in Spain. Characterization of the cultivated and spontaneous ecotypes
Delgado Enguita I.. |
65-70 |
Genetic diversity, preservation and use of genetic resources of Mediterranean legumes: alfalfa and medics
Prosperi J.M., Ronfort J., Angevain M., Bonnin I., Chaulet E., Genier G., Jenczewski E., Olivieri I.. |
71-89 |
Genetic variation in the Medicago sativa complex
Julier B., Huyghe C., Guy P., Crochemore M.L.. |
91-102 |
Effect of low temperature on the nitrogen nutrition of annual medics: Preliminary results
Obaton M., Materon L., Zaklouta M., Gintzburger G.. |
103-112 |
Réponse des Medicago annuelles a deux souches de Rhizobium meliloti dans le semi-aride tunisien
Mezni M.Y., Sifi B.. |
113-117 |
Effect of irrigation with saline water on root distribution and forage yield by different root types of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) under different soil salinity conditions with zero leaching
El Nahrawy M.A.Z.. |
119-125 |
The methodology of honeycomb mass selection in yield improvement of alfalfa
Celami A.. |
127-132 |
Improvement studies of Medicago sp. for the Mediterranean climatic conditions of Aegean region
Avcioglu R., Geren H., Munzur M.. |
133-141 |
Genetic diversity inventory and valuation of spontaneous species belonging to Medicago L. genus in Tunisia
Abdelkefi A., Boussaid M., Biborchi A., Haddioui A., Salhi-Hanachi A., Marrakchi M.. |
143-149 |
Ten years of research on Medicago at 'Instituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Forraggere del CNR di Perugia'
Bellucci M., Arcioni S.. |
151-160 |
Between and within species variation in annual Medicago species
Fyad-Lameche F.Z., Bellatar G., Bouabdallah S., Yahia N.. |
161-169 |
Medicago truncatula: a legume model-plant
Huguet T., Prosperi J.M.. |
171-175 |
The spontaneous nodulation of alfalfa
Grosjean C., Huguet T.. |
177-179 |