The study of Mediterranean soils : a difficult task
Mancini F.. |
3-9 |
The integration of soil and water resources management towards a sustainable agricultural development in the Mediterranean
Hamdy A., Lacirignola C., Trisorio-Liuzzi G.. |
11-27 |
Soils and vegetation of coastal and wetland areas in Northern Adriatic (NE Italy)
Bini C., Buffa G., Gamper U., Sburlino G., Zilocchi L.. |
31-36 |
Biological and biochemical parameters distinguishing soil microsites under different Mediterranean shrub species
Papatheodorou E.M., Monokrousos N., Chalkos D., Karris G., Argyropoulou M.L., Vokou D., Diamantopoulos J., Stamou G. P.. |
37-44 |
Managing the uncertainty in soil mapping and land evaluation in areas of high pedodiversity. Methods and strategies applied in the province of Siena (Central Italy)
Costantini E.A.C., Barbetti R., Righini G.. |
45-56 |
A survey to upgrade information for soil mapping and management in Lebanon
Darwish T., Khawlie M., Jomaa I., Awad M., Abou-Daher M., Zdruli P.. |
57-72 |
Soils and soil landform relationships along an elevational transect in a gypsiferous hilly area in central Sicily, Italy
Dazzi C., Monteleone S.. |
73-86 |
Distribution of some pedological characteristics formed in Mediterranean climate. Examples from the soils of Northern Algeria
Kaddour D., Youcef D., Abdelaziz G.. |
87-96 |
Water budgets in xeric soil moisture regimes in California's central valley : can deep leaching occur under today's climate?
Thomas J., Southard R. J.. |
97-108 |
Further notes on terra rossa and related soils near Kfar HaHoresh archaeological site, Israel
Tsatskin A., Gendler T.S.. |
109-120 |
Comparative study of soil respiration in soil samples from pine and holm oak ecosystems
Fernández-Getino A., Guerrero F., Gascó J.. |
121-125 |
Relationships between soils, climate and vegetation in Quercus Suber L. formations of the Sulcis-Iglesiente (Southern Sardinia, Italy)
Serra G., Loddo S., Bacchetta G.. |
127-133 |
Preparing a georeferenced soil databese for Albania at scale 2:250,000 using the European soil bureau manual of procedures 1.1
Zdruli P., Lushaj S., Pezzuto A, Fanelli D., D'Amico O., Filomeno O., De Santis S., Todorovic M., Nerilli E., Dedaj K., Seferi B.. |
135-144 |
The effect of Al hydroxides on the structural stability of some Mediterranean soils
Prodromou K.P., Kostopoulou S.K., Spyropoulos A.. |
145-148 |
Comparative studies on the processes of humus formation in soils from Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria and Spain
Sokolovska M.G., Bech J., Petrova L., Lansac A.. |
149-156 |
Soils of the Plio Pleistocenic volcanic district of Montiferru (Central Western Sardinia, Italy)
Loddo S., Marrone A., Vacca A.. |
157-166 |
Estimation or stochastic simulation in soil science ?
Castrignanò A., Lopez N., Prudenzano M., Steduto P.. |
167-182 |
Soil microbial activity in a toposequence under Mediterranean climate
Dell'Abate M.T., Pompili L., Benedetti A., Dazzi C.. |
183-195 |
Relationship between soil fertility and phosphorus and potassium olive plant nutrition
Gargouri K., Mhiri A.. |
199-204 |
Changes in available phosphorus with time in contrasting calcareous soils with Mediterranean type of climate
Samadi A.. |
205-211 |
New references for the fertilisation of wheat, sugar beet, and sunflower in Doukkala and Gharb irrigated perimeters in Morocco
Badraoui M., Albani M., Agbani M., Bouabid R., El Gharous M., Karrou M., Zeraouli M.. |
213-218 |
Yield of clingstone peach orchards in relation to soil fertility parameters in northern Greece
Almaliotis D., Velemis D., Spyropoulos S., Blandenopoulou S., Karapetsas N.. |
219-226 |
Yield of maize in relation to soil fertility parameters at Vegoritis area in northern Greece
Velemis D., Almaliotis D., Blandenopoulou S., Karapetsas N.. |
227-233 |
Relationship between soil chemical fertility and land use in Mediterranean semiarid conditions: Campo de Cartagena (Murcia), Se Spain
Faz Cano A., García Del Rey Q., Arnaldos Lozano R., Marín Sanleandro P., Mermut A.R.. |
235-244 |
Soil available phosphorus tests in volcanic soils used in Canary Islands (Spain) labs: a short review
Negrín M.A., Domínguez J., Hernández-Moreno J.M.. |
245-255 |
Comparison of conventional and innovative soil phosphorus tests in estimating plant-available phosphorus
Indiati R., Diana G., Figliolia A., Perucchini I.. |
257-266 |
Effect of nitrogen fertilisation levels on some wheat cultivars
Mosalem M.E., Zahran M., El Menoufi M.M., Moussa A.M.. |
267-274 |
Soil fertility status of conventional and organic managed citrus orchards in Mediterranean area
Canali S., Trinchera A., Di Bartolomeo E., Benedetti A., Intrigliolo F., Calabretta M.L., Giuffrida A., Lacertosa G.. |
275-283 |
Barley based rotations in a typical Mediterranean agroecosystem: crop production trends and soil quality
Ryan J., Masri S., Pala M., Bounejmate M.. |
287-296 |
Use of microarthropods as biological indicators of soil quality: the BSQ sinthetic indicator
Gardi C., Menta C., Parisi V.. |
297-304 |
Aggregate stability as a soil quality criterion
Dilkova R., Jokova M., Kerchev G., Kercheva M.. |
305-312 |
Land use planning. A GIS application to assess soil quality for agricultural management purposes
Francaviglia R., Marchetti A., Mecella G., Scandella P.. |
313-322 |
Developing a sustainable land management research strategy for the Southeast Anatolian irrigation project
Kapur S., Eswaran H., Akça E., Dingil M.. |
325-334 |
Geophysical characterisation of Mediterranean soils in a Tunisian hill reservoir system
Montoroi J.-P., Bellier G., Slah N.. |
335-344 |
Soil variability and irrigation in Mediterranean environments
Aru A., Tomasi D.. |
345-356 |
Physiological behavior of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) root system cultivated in sandy soil amended with bentonite at juvenile stage
Arbaoui M., Benkhelifa M., Belkhodja M.. |
357-362 |
Advanced and integrated approaches for crop tolerance to poor quality irrigation water in Egypt
El Bably A.Z.. |
363-378 |
An application of 'quick' cluster analysis in order to detect intensive/extensive farming areas
De Blasi G., De Boni A., Roma R.. |
379-389 |
Soil geostatistical techniques applied to sprinkle irrigation experiments
Panagopoulos T., Jesus J., Beltrao J.. |
391-396 |
Desertification: causes and strategies to compete
Trisorio-Liuzzi G., Hamdy A.. |
399-412 |
Soil degradation in Sardinia (Italy): main factors and processes
Vacca A., Loddo S., Serra G., Aru A.. |
413-423 |
Concentration and distribution of copper, zinc and cadmium in contaminated soils near the metallurgical plant of elbasan in Albania
Sallaku F., Shallari S., Kristo I., Sulce S.. |
425-432 |