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1997 - 213 p.

Les exportations marocaines de primeurs sur le marché communautaire dans le cadre des nouvelles dispositions du Gatt 'cas de la tomate'

Saubry A.

Principal agricultural export after citrus fruits, the early products represent an important component in the balance of trade and a considerable source of currencies for the Moroccan economy. Directed almost exclusively towards the Community market, Moroccan early product exports did not cease undergoing changes imposed by an increasingly acute competition and 1' evolution of the Community context. The new provisions of GATT as regards to fruits and vegetables, are put into force since 1995. They increase the difficulties of competition and the challenges to take up. This intervention tries through the case of tomato to analyse these constraints and to release some prospects while being placed within the total framework for the Community relations and the new rules for the international trade.



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Saubry A. Les exportations marocaines de primeurs sur le marché communautaire dans le cadre des nouvelles dispositions du Gatt 'cas de la tomate'. In : Papadopoulou Z. (comp.), Cauwet L. (comp.), Papadopoulou Z. (collab.), Cauwet L. (collab.). The GATT and Mediterranean agricultural trade . Chania : CIHEAM, 1997. p. 59-66. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 30). Séminaire sur 'Le GATT et les Echanges Agricoles Méditerranéens', 1995/12/03-05, Chania (Greece). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a30/CI000406.pdf