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1990 - 108 p.

Genetic analysis models and selection in small populations of meat rabbits

Baselga M.

An univariate mixed model approach, concerning genetic analysis, genetic merit prediction and estimation of response to selection, is shown. Models are proposed to analyse litter size and growth traits in meat rabbit popuations. A model to analyse genetically lung lobe injuries is also given. Results of the application of the anterior methodology to four strains of meat rabbits are pointed out, refering the largest size of the analysis completed.



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Baselga M. Genetic analysis models and selection in small populations of meat rabbits. In : Rouvier R. (ed.). Races et populations locales méditerranéennes de lapins : gestion génétique et performances zootechniques. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1990. p. 35-39. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 8). Races et Populations Locales Méditerranéennes de Lapins: Gestion Génétique et Performances Zootechniques, 9-11 Feb 1987, 23-26 Oct 1988, Zaragoza (Spain), Saida (Tunisia). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a08/91605029.pdf