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2002 - 123 p.

Sanitary improvement of the Citrus collection in the botanical garden of Palermo (Italy)

Lombardo G., Schicchi R., De Pasquale F., D'Onghia A.M., Frasheri D.

In order to preserve the genetic heritage represented by the historical Citrus collection of Palermo Botanical Garden, the in vitro germplasm conservation of virus-free plants was carried out. The presence of the main citrus viruses was tested by ELISA and DTBIA and sanitation of some genotypes was carried out by somatic embryogenesis from stigmas and styles.

Afin de préserver les ressources génétiques de la collection historique des agrumes du jardin botanique de Palerme, on a réalisé la conservation in vitro du germoplasme de plantes indemnes de virus. La présence des virus principaux des agrumes a été testée par l'ELISA et le DTBIA; certains génotypes ont été assainis par l'embryogenèse somatique des stygmates et des styles.



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Lombardo G., Schicchi R., De Pasquale F., D'Onghia A.M., Frasheri D. Sanitary improvement of the Citrus collection in the botanical garden of Palermo (Italy). In : D'Onghia A.M. (ed.), Djelouah K. (ed.), Roistacher C.N. (ed.). Proceedings of the Mediterranean research network on certification of citrus (MNCC): 1998-2001. Bari : CIHEAM, 2002. p. 75-79. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 43). 5. and 6. meeting of the CIHEAM Mediterranean Research Network on Certification of Citrus (MNCC), 2000/10/04-06, Algiers (Algeria) and 2001/10-11/26-01, Cairo (Egypt). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/b43/00800074.pdf