OM C39

Dynamics and sustainability of Mediterranean pastoral systems

Etienne M. (ed.). Dynamics and sustainability of Mediterranean pastoral systems . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1999. 296 p. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 39). 9. Meeting of the Mediterranean Sub-Network of the FAO-CIHEAM Inter-Regional Cooperative Research and Development Network on Pastures and Fodder Crops, 1997/11/26-29, Badajoz (Spain).


Sciences Animales, Production et Protection Animales


Agroecologic characterization and assessment of the agricultural production in the extensive areas of Extremadura
Coleto Martínez J.M..
Pastoral systems dominated by fodder crops harvesting and grazing
Talamuci P., Pardini A..
Functional analysis of dry matter accumulation in pure artificial meadows
Maiorana M., Stelluti M., Ferri D..
Quality and mineral composition of forages in Mediterranean environment
Convertini G., Ferri D., Maiorana M..
Interest of the subterranean clover-perennial grass association under sub-humid Mediterranean conditions
Masson P., Bernier Y., Anthelme B..
Persistence of varieties and ecotypes of subterranean clover in South France
Masson P., Anthelme B..
Evolution of the parameters (CP, TDOM) in natural communities in the Sayago Region (NW Spain) of feeding interest of the autochthonous bovine breed 'Sayaguesa'
García R., Moro A., Calleja A..
Effects of cutting frequency on productivity of eleven woody fodder plants
Platis P.D., Dini-Papanastasi O., Papachristou T.G..
Preliminary results on autochthonous populations of Lolium rigidum Gaud. from Aragon (Spain)
Delgado I., Andrés C..
Chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of herbaceous autochthonous plants in a semi-arid region of Spain
Muñoz F., Andueza D., Delgado I., Ochoa M.J..
Hard seed breakdown pattern of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) in relation to its regeneration capacity and persistence
Sulas L., Re G.A., Caredda S..
Chrysanthemum coronarium L.: A new pasture species for Mediterranean forage systems
Sulas L., Re G.A., Molle G., Ligios S..
Attributes of Biserrula pelecinus L. (biserrula): A new pasture legume for sustainable farming on acidic sandy soils in Mediterranean environments
Carr S.J., Loi A., Howieson J.H., Porqueddu C..
Selection of forage crops in Morocco
Al Faïz C..
Autoecology of spontaneous legumes used for forage and-or grazing in Algeria
Abdelguerfi A., Laouar M..
Study on the behaviour of 48 Medicago orbicularis (L.) Bart. populations in two agroecological areas: Interaction with the site of origin
Chebouti A., Abdelguerfi A..
Growth and phenology of some Medicago ciliaris populations: Interaction with the site of origin
Yahiaoui S., Abdelguerfi A..
Variability in pod and seed production in some spontaneous Medicago intertexta populations
Laouar M., Abdelguerfi A..
Behaviour and evaluation of some tall fescue populations (Festuca arundinacea Schreb)
Mohguen K., Abdelguerfi A..
Variability within 31 spontaneous populations of Trifolium scabrum L.; Nature of relations with factors of the site of origin
Issolah R., Abdelguerfi A..
Controlled management of grassland in the Mediterranean basin: A challenge for the 21st century
Perevolotsky A., Etienne M..
Rangelands of pre-Saharan Tunisia: Potential desertification state and management problems
Ferchichi A..
Plantation of fodder shrubs in arid and semi-arid zones of Iran
Nazari-Dashlibrown P..
Grassland improvement by reseeding native legumes and protection from grazing in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon
Osman A.E., Nassar A..
Seasonal growth of forage production in relation to altitude in rangelands of western Crete and its implication to sustained animal production
Kyriakakis S.D., Papanastasis V.P..
Discussion of the technical innovations for extensive production systems in hot climates
Molenat G., Hubert D., Poissonet J..
Mediterranean herbaceous vegetation response to high animal density and grazing deferment: Implications for management and conservation
Gutman M., Perevolotsky A., Ungar E.D., Sternberg M., Kigel J..
Legume shrubs of north Portugal: Discussion of their importance as forage
Torres F., Rego F..
Nutritive value of forage shrubs: Bituminaria bituminosa, Acacia salicina and Medicago arborea
Ventura M.R., Flores M.P., Castañón J.I.R..
Predicting productivity of Mediterranean herbaceous vegetation growing on a P-deficient soil
Henkin Z., Seligman N.G., Kafkafi U., Noy-Meir I..
Using lithium chloride to elicit conditioned feed aversion to Ferula communis in ewe-lambs: Preliminary results with vetch hay
Egber A., Landau S., Perevolotsky A., Shlosberg A., Belaich M..
Improving soil conditions of permanent pastures using organic practices
Pérez-Sarmentero J., Molina A., Colmenares R., Suances L., Miguel J.-M. de.
Improving permanent pasture's growth: An organic approach
Colmenares R., Miguel J.-M. de.
About grassland quality assessment in arid areas
Hirche A., Boughani A., Nedjraoui D..
Pastoral systems dominated by cereal-fallow combination in North Africa and West Asia
Nefzaoui A., Ben Salem H..
Applicability of the medic-barley system under Cyprus conditions
Papastylianou I..
Strategies for the utilization of Atriplex plantations in a cereal-sheep pastoral zone of NW Murcia (Spain)
Correal E., Sotomayor J.A..
Potential of winter cereals and legumes as fodder crops in the uplands of Balochistan
Banaras Bhatti M..
Development of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a feed-fodder crop for the Mediterranean environment of highland Balochistan, Pakistan
Khan M.A., Ahmad S., Begum I., Alvi A.S., Mughal M.S..
Long term productivity of a ley farming system in the 'secano interior' of central Chile
Pozo A. del, Ovalle C..
Dehesa ecosystem: Production and preservation
Olea L., Viguera F.J..
A survey of grass species infected by fungal endophytes in dehesa pastures
Zabalgogeazcoa I., Vázquez de Aldana B.R., García Ciudad A., García Criado B..
Levels of bioelements and their relation to the ruminants' needs in the most important pasture-plant species of the wooded dehesa (grazing-land) in the south-west of Spain
Viguera F.J., Olea L..
Effects on natural regeneration of woodland in a dehesa system grazed by Avileña-Negra Iberica breed
Rodríguez R., López-Carrasco C., Zuzuarregui J..
Deer and traditional agrosilvopastoral systems of Mediterranean Spain. A new problem of sustainability for a new concept of land use
San Miguel A., Pérez-Carral C., Roig S..
Restoring of an abandoned farm area with trees and herbaceous resources by fallow deer grazing
Staglianò N., Argenti G., Pardini A., Piemontese S., Talamucci P..
Use of energetic resources in sheep-pig farms in dehesas of south-west Extremadura
Pulido García F., Escribano Sánchez M., Mesías Díaz F.J., Rodríguez de Ledesma A..
Equine babesiosis: A disease linked to the extensive horse raising in the pasture land of Extremadura ('dehesa')
Coleto L..
Study of the incidence of meteorological parameters on the flowering of Quercus by means of its pollen production
Silva I., Muñoz A.F., Tormo R., Olea L..
Prospecting and evaluation in degraded areas, of annual forage legumes, fodder shrubs and perennial grasses typical from Extremadura
González F., Moreno V., Paredes J., Prieto P.M., Paniagua M..
The Iberian pig in the dehesa system of Extremadura (Spain): Imbalance between energy requirements and grazing resources
Vargas J.D., Aparicio M.A., Calvo J.C., Pérez J..