Protected cultivation in the Mediterranean area
Baudoin W.. |
1-8 |
Protected culture in Morocco
Choukr-Allah R.. |
9-15 |
Greenhouse structures in Mediterranean regions: Problems and trends
Grafiadellis M.. |
17-27 |
Modeling of greenhouse structure and characteristics for an ideal economic structure for growing vegetables, flowers or fruit crops
Diaz Alvarez J.R.. |
29-43 |
Application of modern information technologies on the design and simulation of mediterranean greenhouses, an experience
Bienvenido J.F., Diaz Alvarez J.R., Ayala R., Becerra A., Bosch A., Garcia J.R., Guirado R., Iribarne L., Rodríguez F., Tùnez S., Casado A., Corral A.. |
45-57 |
Overview of greenhouse climate control in the Mediterranean regions
Baille A.. |
59-76 |
Mapping of air and energy fluxes along a greenhouse large opening through three dimensional anemometer
Kittas C., Boulard T., Papadakis G., Mermier M.. |
77-85 |
Caractérisation de la ventilation sous serre, couplage avec la transpiration
Boulard T., Baille A.. |
87-97 |
Gestion assistée par ordinateur du climat de la serre et son influence sur une culture de melon dans la région du Souss
El Fadl A., El Kherrak H., Claustriaux J.J., Mounhim H.. |
99-108 |
Natural ventilation performances of a greenhouse tunnel type in the South of Tunisia
Sbita L., Boulard T., Mermier M.. |
109-118 |
Heating greenhouses with solar energy - new trends and developments
Grafiadellis M., Traka-Mavrona E.. |
119-134 |
Use of geothermal water in protected culture in the Mediterranean region
Mougou A.. |
135-143 |
The Effect of passive solar heating system and of the kind of covering on yield and quality of melons cultivated in low tunnels
Bouam M., Gerasopoulos D., Grafiadellis M.. |
145-149 |
Effect of two temperature regimes on growth, flowering and fruiting of two tomato varieties
El Abd S.O., Helmy Y.I., El Beltagy M.S.. |
151-160 |
Effect of different temperature regimes on ethylene production and endogenous levels of IAA, ABA, ACC of tomato
El Abd S.O., El Beltagy M.S., Abou-Hadid A.F.. |
161-166 |
Cucumber models in relation to radiation and temperature
Medany M.A., Abou-Hadid A.F., Short T.H.. |
167-176 |
Principles and methods for predicting crop water requirement in greenhouse environments
Baille A.. |
177-187 |
Drip irrigation management and water saving in protected culture
Castilla N.. |
189-202 |
Apport de modèles de la transpiration d'une culture de tomate sous serre. Application au pilotage de l'irrigation
Jemaa R., Boulard L., Baille A.. |
203-214 |
Irrigation requirements of greenhouse vegetables in Crete
Chartzoulakis K., Drosos N.. |
215-221 |
Rentabilité de l'eau dans différents systèmes horticoles
Sirjacobs M.. |
223-228 |
Effect of irrigation applied at different soil moisture tensions on evapotranspiration and yield of cucumbers grown under glasshouse conditions during the spring and autumn
Tüzel I.H., Ul M.A., Tüzel Y.. |
229-234 |
Effet de l'irrigation sur l'efficacité du glycophosate sur la morelle jaune (Solanum elaeagnifolium cav.)
Zaki N., Oihabi A., Tanji A., Eljadd L.. |
235-240 |
Growth and development of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown under water stress
Singer S.M., Helmy Y.I., Karas A.N., Abou-Hadid A.F.. |
241-250 |
Water consumption of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as affected by dates of sowing
Karas A.N., Singer S.M., Sawan O.M., Abou-Hadid A.F.. |
251-262 |
Gas exchange in greenhouse grown pepper under nitrogen and water stress
Perniola M., Posca G., Caqndido V., Tarantino E.. |
263-273 |
Fertigation-chemigation in protected culture
Papadopoulos I.. |
275-291 |
Modèle pour la conduite en temps réel des besoins hydriques et minéraux du rosier en hors-sol
Bougoul S., Brun R., Jaffrin A.. |
293-305 |
Overview of soilless culture: advantages, constraints, and perspectives
Olympios C.M.. |
307-324 |
Soilless culture, a tool for maximizing the utilization of arid land resources
Abou-Hadid A.F., El Behairy M.. |
325-345 |
Determination of substrate characteristics for soilless culture
Lemaire F.. |
347-356 |
Effect of substrate (new or used perlite), plant orientation on the column and irrigation frequency on yield efficiency of strawberry plants (cv. Selva) and fruit quality
Vasilakakis M., Alexandridis A., El Fadl S., Anagnostou K.. |
357-363 |
Effect of the substrate and heating on yield and quality of two gerbera varieties grown under protection
Issa M., Maloupa E., Gerasopoulos D.. |
365-369 |
Investigations on the effects of media and bag volume on cucumbers
Gül A.. |
371-377 |
Effects of substrate on quality of carmello tomatoes grown under protection in a hydroponic system
Djedidi M., Gerasopoulos D., Maloupa E.. |
279-283 |
The effect of protected tomato seedlings on the growth and yield of late summer tomato in Egypt
El Aidy F., Sidaros S.A.. |
385-389 |
Effects of different pollination and fruit set practices on long season tomato production in glasshouses
Tüzel Y., Eltez R.Z., Altin O.. |
391-396 |
Optimisation de la production des fleurs coupées sous serres au Maroc: cas de la rose et de 1'oeillet
Mokhtari M.. |
397-406 |
Effect of soil solarization on the microbial population and activity in the greenhouse
Okur N., Tüzel Y., Cengel M.. |
407-411 |
Integrated production and protection in the Mediterranean region under protected cultivation
Papasolomontos A.. |
413-424 |
Biological control practices against pests in vegetable greenhouses in Izmir (Turkey)
Yoldas Z., Madanlar N., Gül A.. |
425-434 |
Lutte intégrée contre le thrips californien (Franklinielia occidentalis) en culture de poivron sous serre dans la région du Souss
Hanafi A., Lacham A.. |
435-440 |
IPM in protected cultivation in Lebanon
Abou-Jawdah Y.. |
441-445 |
Novel microbial technologies for enhancement of plant growth and biocontrol of fungal diseases in crops
Neyra C.A., Atkinson L.A., Olubayi O., Sadasivan D., Zaurov D., Zappi E.. |
447-456 |
Integrated disease management in protected vegetable crops in Morocco: problems and management strategies
Besri M.. |
457-465 |
Characterization of Moroccan isolates of Phytophtora infestans for mating type, genotype and metalaxyl sensitivity
Sedegui M., Carroll R.B., Morehart A., Lakhdar R., Arifi A.. |
467-471 |
Localisation et évolution dans le temps des sites de replication du Polydnavirus chez Apenteles glomeratus L. (Hymenoptère: Braconidae) parasitoïde de Pieris brassicae L. (Lepidoptère: Pieridae)
Guirrou Z., Meynadier G., Boumezzough A., Hilal A.. |
473-484 |
La post-récolte des produits frais au Maroc
Ait-Oubahou A., El Otmani M.. |
485-492 |
La réduction de la saisonnalité de la main-d'oeuvre dans les systèmes horticoles sous plastique en Almeria : leur coût d'opportunité
Calatrava Requena J., Lopéz de Pablo Lopéz M.. |
495-504 |
La structure de commercialisation en amont des produits horticoles d'Almeria. Analyse d'une enquête aux horticulteurs
Calatrava Requena J., Lopéz de Pablo Lopéz M.. |
505-513 |