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1995 - 276 p.

Aquaculture en système clos: estimation des coûts de production pour l'élevage du bar et du turbot

Lavenant M., Paquotte P., Pomélie C. de la

Two major constraints to aquaculture have arisen in most countries: the scarce availability of convenient sites because of the competition for the use of the coastline and the progressive implementation of regulations to reduce the impact of the farms on the environment. The technique of recirculation, widely used for hatcheries, has been developed to answer these constraints and to get free of the natural variations in order to regulate the results. The ongrowing experimental facilities have proved good enough results to make it possible to conceive industrial projects for sea-bass and turbot. At first approach, the production costs of these systems are similar to traditional techniques but expected productivity gains due to an increase of zootechnical results in controlled environment and to technological improvements are important. The possibility to control all the parameters makes it possible to rear other faster-growing species. These systems have the advantage of being less polluting because of the continuous internal treatment of the water and of the elimination of most dissolved nitrogen. Concentrated wastes treatment becomes more affordable both technically and financially. All these results and perspectives will certainly give a bright future to this technique for intensive fish farming.



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Lavenant M., Paquotte P., Pomélie C. de la Aquaculture en système clos: estimation des coûts de production pour l'élevage du bar et du turbot. Aspects économiques de la production aquacole . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 149-167. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 14). Seminar of the CIHEAM Network on Socio-economic and Legal Aspects of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SELAM), 1995/05/17-19, Montpellier (France). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c14/96605658.pdf