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Elloumi M. Jouve A.-M. Napoléone C. Paoli J.C. 2011.
Régulation foncière et protection des terres agricoles en Méditerranée.
OM B66
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D'Onghia A.M. Djelouah K. Roistacher C.N. 2009.
Citrus tristeza virus and Toxoptera citricidus: a serious threat to the Mediterranean citrus industry.
OM B65
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Abis S. Blanc P. Lerin F. Mezouaghi M. 2009.
Perspectives des politiques agricoles en Afrique du Nord.
OM B64
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Felip A. Carrillo M. Herráez M.P. Zanuy S. Basurco B. 2009.
Advances in fish reproduction and their application to broodstock management: a pratical manual for sea bass.
OM B63
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Basurco B. 2008.
The Mediterranean fisheries sector. A reference publication for the VII meeting of Ministers of agriculture and fisheries of CIHEAM member countries (Zaragoza, Spain, 4 february 2008).
OM B62
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Allaya M. 2008.
Les agricultures méditerranéennes : analyses par pays .
OM B61
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El Moujabber M. El Bitar L. Raeli M. 2007.
Study of the organic and safety agriculture in the Adriatic cross-border region and of training needs.
OM B60
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Karam F. Karaa K. Lamaddalena N. Bogliotti C. 2007.
Harmonization and integration of water saving options. Convention and promotion of water saving policies and guidelines.
OM B59
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Iglesias A. Moneo M. López-Francos A. 2007.
Drought management guidelines technical annex.
OM B58
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Lamaddalena N. Shatanawi M. Todorovic M. Bogliotti C. Albrizio R. 2007.
Water use efficiency and water productivity: WASAMED project.
OM B57
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