OM B58

Drought management guidelines technical annex

Iglesias A. (ed.), Moneo M. (ed.), López-Francos A. (ed.). Drought management guidelines technical annex. Zaragoza : CIHEAM / EC MEDA Water, 2007. 496 p. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 58).


Environnement, Biodiversité, Ressources Naturelles, Changement Climatique


The Medroplan project: process and key lessons
Gabiña D., Iglesias A., López-Francos A..
Defining the planning purpose, framework and concepts [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.1. The planning framework]
Iglesias A., Moneo M., Garrote L..
Diagnostic of the situation [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.1. The planning framework]
Tsiourtis N.X..
Institutional and legal framework for drought management [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.2. Organizational component]
Iglesias A., Bonaccorso B., Moneo M., Quiroga S., Garrido A..
Participation and mediation: key elements to forewarn and resolve conflicts during droughts [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.2. Organizational component]
Celaya N., Rodríguez Perea A., Carbonell X..
Stakeholder dialogue for improved local water governance [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.2. Organizational component]
Laban P., Barghout M., Moriarty P., Sarsour S..
Drought characterization [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Tsakiris G., Loukas A., Pangalou D., Vangelis H., Tigkas D., Rossi G., Cancelliere A..
Methods for drought risk analysis in agriculture [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Quiroga S., Iglesias A..
Methods for risk assessment in water supply systems [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Bonaccorso B., Cancelliere A., Nicolosi V., Rossi G., Cristaudo G..
Methods for evaluating social vulnerability to drought [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Iglesias A., Moneo M., Quiroga S..
Tools and models [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Tsakiris G., Cancelliere A., Tigkas D., Vangelis H., Pangalou D., Bonaccorso B., Moneo M., Nicolosi V..
Process for implementing drought management actions [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Iglesias A., Moneo M..
Description of drought management actions [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Moneo M., Iglesias A..
The testing of the MEDROPLAN drought management guidelines [Part 1. Components of drought planning. 1.3. Methodological component]
Application of the drought management guidelines in Cyprus [Part 2. Examples of application]
Tsiourtis N.X., Photiou C., Hajispyrou E., Pashardes P., Rostandi N..
Application of the drought management guidelines in Greece [Part 2. Examples of application]
Tsakiris G., Tigkas D., Vangelis H., Pangalou D..
A paradigm for applying risk and hazard concepts in proactive planning: application to rainfed agriculture in Greece [Part 2. Examples of application]
Tsakiris G..
Application of the drought management guidelines in Italy: the Simeto river basin [Part 2. Examples of application]
Bonaccorso B., Cancelliere A., Nicolosi V., Rossi G., Alba I., Cristaudo G..
Application of the drought management guidelines in Morocco [Part 2. Examples of application]
Ouassou A., Ameziane T., Ziyad A., Belghiti M..
Application of the drought management guidelines in Spain [Part 2. Examples of application]
Garrote L., Iglesias A., Moneo M., Garrido A., Gómez A., Lapeña A., Benbeniste S., Cubillo F., Ibáñez J.C..
Drought management in the urban water supply system of Canal de Isabel II [Part 2. Examples of application]
Cubillo F., Ibáñez J.C..
Application of the drought management guidelines in Tunisia [Part 2. Examples of application]
Louati M.H., Bergaoui M., Lebdi F., Methlouthi M., El Euchi L., Mellouli H.J..
Methods of risk management (technology and water quality) [Part 2. Examples of application]
Louati M.H., Lebdi F..
Glossary of terms and concepts 487-494