OM C45

Legumes for Mediterranean forage crops, pastures and alternative uses

Sulas L. (ed.). Legumes for Mediterranean forage crops, pastures and alternative uses . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2000. 483 p. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 45). 10. Meeting of the Mediterranean Sub-Network of the FAO-CIHEAM Inter-Regional Cooperative Research and Development Network on Pastures and Fodder Crops, 2000/04/04-09, Sassari (Italy).


Sciences et Productions Végétales, Protection des Végétaux, Foresterie


Les ressources phytogénétiques fourragères et pastorales : de l'érosion à la conservation
Abdelkefi A., Marrakchi M..
Study of the variability in 28 spontaneous populations of Trifolium tomentosum L.: relations with factors of the environment of origin
Issolah R., Abdelguerfi A..
Evaluation de la variabilité au niveau des gousses et des graines de populations de deux générations de Medicago orbicularis (L.) Bart.
Senhadri Maamri F., Rahmani D.H., Abdelguerfi A..
Etude du complexe d'espèces Medicago ciliaris-M. intertexta : caractérisation des différents types d'infrutescences
Laouar M., Abdelguerfi A..
Cold tolerance of subterranean clover in a continental-climate environment
Pecetti L., Carroni A.M., Piano E..
Survey of submediterranean leguminous species in Serbian flora
Mrfat-Vukelic S., Kojic M., Lugic Z., Ostojic S..
Potential new alternative annual pasture legumes for Australian Mediterranean farming system
Loi A., Nutt B.J., McRobb R., Ewing M.A..
Preliminary results of some forage legume populations cultivated in three different Sardinian environments
Vargiu M., Spanu E., Loche F., Salis L..
Breeding a pasture and feed legume adapted to subacid Italian Mediterranean areas: the blue lupin
Bozzini A., Chiaretti D..
Comparisons among different plant breeding approaches applied to red clover
Ledda L., Roggero P.P., Veronesi F..
Rangelands biodiversity in presaharian Tunisia
Ferchichi A..
Activities of the Australian Medicago Genetic Resources Centre
Hughes S.J., McLachlan D.R..
Cytogenetic study of forage grasses and legumes
Mariani A., Roscini C., Basili F., Paoletti R., Rosafio M.C..
Genetic variability of Hedysarum coronarium L. using molecular markers
Trifi-Farah N., Marrakchi M..
Forage and pasture legume biodiversity in the semi-arid areas of West Central Morocco
El Mzouri E., Thami Alami I..
Aptitudes de deux légumineuses pastorales Hedysarum carnosum Desf. et Argyrolobium uniflorum Jaub. et Spach. à la réhabilitation des parcours en milieu aride de la Tunisie
Ben Fadhel N., Zaouali Y., Boussaid M..
Globe locust (Robinia pseudoacacia var. umbraculifera D.C.): a potential forage species?
Dini-Papanastasi O..
Morphological and molecular characterization of Bituminaria bituminosa accessions from South-East Spain and the Canary Islands
Muñoz A., Ortiz-Dorda J., Correal E..
Plant genetic resources protection in the Mediterranean basin: the case of Sardinian forage species
Fois P., Mura L., Bullitta S..
Agronomic aspects of forage legumes: management and forage quality
Papanastasis V.P., Papachristou T.G..
Effect of agronomic factors on coenoses of natural pasture communities in Apulia environments
Martiniello P., Nardelli F..
Influences of the phosphoric fertilizers on the fertility of the soil in pasture areas of the dehesa of Extremadura
Viguera F.J., Olea L., Coleto J.M., Bartolomé T..
Long term dominance of annual legume species after P application in a Mediterranean rangeland
Henkin Z., Seligman N.G..
Phosphorus fertilization and seeding rate effects on sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) forage production
Anastasi U., Santonoceto C..
Growing cycle of Hedysarum coronarium L. (sulla): relationship between plant density, stem length, forage yield and phytomass partitioning
Sulas L., Stangoni A.P., Re G.A., Ledda L..
Leguminous forage crops of different origin in Mediterranean environment
Maiorana M., Convertini G., Fornaro F..
Root growth in sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) submitted to different harvest times
De Giorgio D., Maiorana M., Fornaro F..
Ten new annual legumes tested for unirrigated lands of the Mediterranean-climate region of Chile
Ovalle C., Avendaño J., Arredondo S., Pozo A. del, Porqueddu C..
Pasture improvement of marginal lands using annual and perennial legumes
Delgado I., Ochoa M.J..
Growth and DM yield of three Lotus spp. (L. corniculatus L., L. glaber Mill. and L. uliginosus Cav.) in clay soils of the Chilean Mediterranean zone
Acuña H..
Balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum) - a forage legume for temperate pastures
Craig A.D., Ballard R.A..
Alfalfa production irrigated with treated effluent in Canary Islands
Palacios M.P., Pardo A., Del-Nero E., Rodríguez F..
Forage legume break crops in Australia and their tolerance to broadleaf herbicides
Sandral G.A., Dear B.S..
Medicago polymorpha L. forage production and its quality when grazed by ewes
Sitzia M., Ligios S., Fois N..
Quantifying morphological stage to improve crop management and enhance yield and quality of sulla and lucerne
Borreani G., Tabacco E., Cavallarin L., Peiretti P.G., Re G.A., Roggero P.P., Sargenti P., Sulas L..
The accumulation of condensed tannins in local populations of sulla
Piluzza G., Bullitta S., Deroma M., Odoardi M..
Preliminary results on the effect of seeding methods on production and botanical composition of perennial mixtures of alfalfa-grasses
Zoghlami A..
Effect of seeding rates of oats (Avena sativa L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) on the yield, botanic composition and nutritive value of the mixture
Castro M.P., Piñeiro J., Sau F..
Utilization of Acacia saligna as livestock fodder in arid and semi-arid areas in Egypt
El Shaer H..
Energy and protein content of Tedera (Bituminaria bituminosa)
Ventura M.R., Méndez P., Flores M.P., Rodríguez R., Castañón J.I.R..
Ecophysiology of annual legumes
Pozo A. del, Aronson J..
Transpiration intensity in submediterranean species Trifolium patens from three meadow associations of mountain Radocelo (Serbia)
Dajic Z., Kojic M., Vrbnicanin S., Mrfat-Vukelic S..
Effet du stress hydrique sur la production de gousses et de graines chez quelques populations de Medicago truncatula (L.) Gaertn.
Chebouti A., Abdelguerfi A..
Effet des conditions bioclimatiques d'origine sur le comportement et la floraison des populations de Medicago ciliaris (L.) Krocker
Abdelguerfi A., Laouar M..
Etude de la floraison de trois espèces du genre Scorpiurus L. : relation avec les conditions du milieu d'origine
Yahiaoui-Younsi A., Abdelguerfi A., Bouazza L..
Etude biométrique des gousses et des graines de populations de deux générations de Medicago truncatula Gaert.
Senhadri Maamri F., Rahal Bouziane H., Rahmani D.H., Abdelguerfi A..
Etude comparative de la phénologie et croissance de trois espèces de luzernes annuelles : relation avec le milieu d'origine
Yahiaoui S., Abdelguerfi A..
Leaf growth and osmotic adjustment of subterranean clover under drought
Gulías J., Fernández G.A., Medrano H..
Cold tolerance of forage legumes growing in controlled continental Mediterranean conditions
Sánchez-Díaz M., Hekneby M., Antolín M.C..
Dynamics of shoot and root growth and adaptation to the environment of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop.) in a hilly area of southern Italy
Pardo A., De Falco E., De Franchi A.S..
Production and quality of the sainfoin forage (Onobrychis viaiaefolia Scop.) as affected by cutting regime in a hilly area of southern Italy
De Falco E., Landi G., Basso F..
Productive and ecophysiological characteristics of some varieties of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) in a Mediterranean area of Tuscany
Lombardi P., Argenti G., Sabatini S., Pardini A..
Berseem growth response to different cutting regimes
Iannucci A., Martiniello P..
Combined effects of irrigation and cutting regimes on lucerne forage production
Lazaridou M., Vrahnakis M.S..
Grazing effects on a perennial legume, Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) Stirton, in a Mediterranean rangeland
Gutman M., Perevolotsky A., Sternberg M..
The legume-rhizobia relationship in the Mediterranean basin
Howieson J.G., O'Hara G.W., Loi A..
Symbiotic performance of pasture legumes with naturalised soil rhizobia
Ballard R.A., Charman N., Craig A.D., Hughes S.J..
Etude de l'efficacité et de la persistance des souches de Rhizobium de sulla
Thami Alami I., El Mzouri E..
How much N2 is fixed by perennial clovers in Mediterranean sown pastures?
Thanopoulos R., Ledgard S.F..
Persistence and regeneration mechanisms in forage legumes
Sulas L., Franca A., Caredda S..
Germination pattern of certain annual legumes in a sub-humid Mediterranean environment of Macedonia, Greece
Merou T., Papanastasis V.P..
Relationship between seed yield and edaphic environment in subterranean clover
Carroni A.M., Piano E., Pecetti L..
Seed production and its components in Sardinian germplasm of Hedysarum coronarium L. and H. spinosissimum L.
Bullitta S., Saba P., Bullita P..
Improving the pasture quality through the annual legumes oversowing: previous results on the seed bank response
Franca A., Seddaiu G..
Stubble management of Medicago polymorpha L. and pod consumption by grazing ewes during summer
Fois N., Ligios S., Sitzia M..
Variability in short and long-term seed dormancy in clover plants from a single population
Norman H.C., Cocks P.S., Galwey N.W., Osman A.E..
Insect pollination of sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) and its effect on seed production in a Mediterranean environment
Satta A., Acciaro M., Floris I., Lentini A., Sulas L..
Results of the experimentation and cultivation of lucerne in Albania
Tahiraj K., Daci F..
Certification and production of sulla seed in Central and Southern Italy
Bravi R., Cazzola V., Sommovigo A..
The effect of seeding rate and row spacing on seed yield and yield components of squarrosum clover and crimson clover in Southern Italy
Cazzato E., Corleto A..
Les légumineuses fourragères dans les systèmes de production méditerranéens : utilisations alternatives
Masson P., Gintzburger G..
Dix ans d'améliorations pastorales dans un système sylvopastoral méditerranéen en France
Etienne M., Armand D..
Effects of sheep grazing on legume composition and production in a Mediterranean grassland in Central Greece
Platis P.D., Papachristou T.G., Tsiontsis A.I., Papanastasis V.P..
Regenerating pasture legumes in crop rotations
Riffkin P., Evans P., Chin J., Wright A., Cameron N..
Role of some legumes in the restoration of burned forest areas
Lombardi P., Staglianò N., Talamucci P..
The potential role of alternative legumes from Asinara island for multiple uses in difficult environments
Meloni M.C., Piluzza G., Bullitta S..
Rôle de l'Acacia cyanophylla dans l'alimentation du cheptel en Tunisie
El Euch F..
Medicago arborea - a leguminous fodder shrub for low rainfall farming systems
De Koning C.T., Duncan A.J..
The introduction of an annual pasture legume into a tree cropping system
Russi L., Falcinelli M..
Use of subterranean clover and burr medic as cover crops in vineyards
Porqueddu C., Nieddu S., Fiori P.P..
Effects of Medicago polymorpha L. cover cropping in Sardinia vineyards
Nieddu G., Graviano O., Lostia M., Porqueddu C..
Role of forage legumes and constraints for forage legume seed production in Mediterranean Europe
Porqueddu C., Ledda L., Roggero P.P..
Présent et futur des pâturages et des légumineuses fourragères en région méditerranéenne : cas du Nord de l'Afrique et de l'Ouest de l'Asie
Abdelguerfi A., Laouar M., Tazi M., Bounejmate M., Gaddes N.E..
The pasture and forage industry in the Mediterranean bioclimates of Australia
Norman H.C., Ewing M.A., Loi A., Nutt B.J., Sandral G.A..