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1989 - 187 p.

Nutrition et croissance chez le dromadaire

Kamoun M.

After having for centuries been a prime source of milk and meat for populations in arid zones, the dromedary has become the poor relative of development plans. Knowledge acquired regarding growth and meat production indicates that the dromedary has an interesting growth potential. The average daily gain can reach 600 g/day before weaning and reach over 1,000 g/day under the most favourable feeding conditions during the breeding phase proper. The dromedary shows itself to be superior to bovines, ovines and caprines in valorising poor fodder, and in resisting to the unfavourable conditions of drought years. Despite the paucity of available data, the dromedary appears to be the most advantageous animal for the protein supply of populations in and zones.



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Kamoun M. Nutrition et croissance chez le dromadaire. In : Tisserand J.-L. (ed.). Séminaire sur la digestion, la nutrition et l'alimentation du dromadaire. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1989. p. 151-158. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 2). Séminaire sur la Digestion, la Nutrition et l'Alimentation du Dromadaire, 1988/02/27-1988/03/01, Ouargla (Algeria). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a02/CI000440.pdf