Article précédent | p. 243-247 |
Utilization of L-glucose and EDTA-chelates as tracers of the distribution volume of glucose in ewes
The present experiment was aimed to verify if Cr-EDTA and Co-EDTA are useful as tracers of the glucose distribution volume (GDV) in ewes. Ewes (n equal to 3) fitted with indwelling jugular cannulas and urinary catheters were injected with a single bolus of L-3-glucose, known to be an excellent tracer of GDV, and doses of Cr- and Co-EDTA. The curves of plasma clearance from tracers, and of urine excretion of tracers were analysed. No difference was found in the rate of plasma clearance from L-3H-glucose, compared with the chelates, and between the doses and asymptotic values calculated by exponential analysis of plasma clearance and urinary excretion. However, GDV, measured by using L-3H-glucose as tracer, tended to be greater (p less than 0.12) than measured by using the EDTA-chelates as tracers. Crand Co-EDTA have potential to be useful as tracers of GDV, but additional work with greater numbers of sheep should be carried out before the method is routinely used.
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Landau S., Bock B., Russell R. Utilization of L-glucose and EDTA-chelates as tracers of the distribution volume of glucose in ewes. In : Lindberg J.E. (ed.), Gonda H.L. (ed.), Ledin I. (ed.). Recent advances in small ruminant nutrition. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1997. p. 243-247. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 34). Seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM Network of Cooperative Research on Sheep and Goats, Subnetwork on Nutrition, 24-26 Oct 1996, Rabat (Morocco).