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1997 - 247 p.

Ewe and Me' on-farm program for dairy sheep flocks

Gootwine E., Zenou A.

This paper describes 'Ewe and Me' (E&M) -an 'on-farm' program for managing dairy and mutton sheep flocks. E&M runs on IBM-compatible personal computers, using the Magic application generator, and the data base uses a Btrieve file-management system. E&M deals with ram, ewe and lamb populations within the flock and records details of inventory dynamics, matings and inseminations, pregnancy diagnoses, lambings, abortions, milk production, exits, semen quality for rams, and weights of lambs at birth, weaning and marketing. The 27 different reports produced by E&M summarize and analyse the reproduction and production activities of the flock and estimate the breeding value of the individuals in the flock.



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Gootwine E., Zenou A. Ewe and Me' on-farm program for dairy sheep flocks. In : Gabiña D. (ed.), Bodin L. (ed.). Data collection and definition of objectives in sheep and goat breeding programmes: New prospects . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1997. p. 81-85. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 33). Meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM Network of Cooperative Research on Sheep and Goats and Subnetwork on Animal Resources, 9-11 Mar 1997, Toulouse (France). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a33/97605992.pdf