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1990 - 108 p.

Blood biochemical polymorphisms in rabbits II. Genetic variation and distance among populations of Spanish wild rabbits and relationships with other rabbit populations

Zaragoza P., Arana A., Rodellar C., Zaragoza I., Amorena B.

Blood samples from 412 Spanish wild rabbits belonging to six populations located in Northern, North-Eastern and Central Spain were tested for 17 genetic markers in this study, using starch and polyacrylamnide gel electrophoresis. Population studies revealed a higher level of genetic polymorphism for some of these 17 loci in wild rabbit populations, when compared to non wild rabbit populations. The study of genetic distances among the five populations reveals that factors other than geographic distance may explain the findings that the Northern population can be grouped with two of the Central populations whereas the North-Eastern populations can be grouped with another Central population. The former group shows more genetic similarities with populations bred under captivity than the latter.



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Zaragoza P., Arana A., Rodellar C., Zaragoza I., Amorena B. Blood biochemical polymorphisms in rabbits II. Genetic variation and distance among populations of Spanish wild rabbits and relationships with other rabbit populations. In : Rouvier R. (ed.). Races et populations locales méditerranéennes de lapins : gestion génétique et performances zootechniques. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1990. p. 53-63. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 8). Races et Populations Locales Méditerranéennes de Lapins: Gestion Génétique et Performances Zootechniques, 9-11 Feb 1987, 23-26 Oct 1988, Zaragoza (Spain), Saida (Tunisia). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a08/91605032.pdf