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1990 - 108 p.

Blood biochemical polymorphisms in rabbits I. Genetic variation and distance among populations of domestic rabbits presently bred in Spain

Zaragoza P., Arana A., Rodellar C., Amorena B.

Seventeen blood proteins were studied by electrophoresis, using samples from 598 rabbits belonging to various breeds. Eight of these markers were monomorphic and five were each controlled by diallelic loci and three were controlled by tirallelic loci and one by a tetrallelic locus. Population studies concerning the genetic variation revealed the existence of heterogeneity among populations with respect to gene frequencies of polymorphic loci. Similarity among populations was observed for the average degree of heterozygosity and for the percentage of polymorphic loci.



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Zaragoza P., Arana A., Rodellar C., Amorena B. Blood biochemical polymorphisms in rabbits I. Genetic variation and distance among populations of domestic rabbits presently bred in Spain. In : Rouvier R. (ed.). Races et populations locales méditerranéennes de lapins : gestion génétique et performances zootechniques. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1990. p. 47-52. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 8). Races et Populations Locales Méditerranéennes de Lapins: Gestion Génétique et Performances Zootechniques, 9-11 Feb 1987, 23-26 Oct 1988, Zaragoza (Spain), Saida (Tunisia). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a08/91605031.pdf