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2008 - 470 p.

Drought administrative actions, drought statutory laws and the permanent drought commission in the Júcar river basin authority

Ferrer J., Pérez M.A., Honrubia M.A., Perez F.

The Permanent Drought Commission (CPS), from its constitution, has been a decisive organ in the management of the river basin at times of droughts, and could be considered as a forum for the discussion and evaluation of environmental policies in which the water administration authorities, responsible for decision making, take into account the allegations and opinions expressed by the members, experts and observers that are present during the Commission's Plenary Session. The Permanent Drought Commission approved the Procedural Plan for the Mitigation of Drought Effects on 13th February 2006, based on the Jucar River Basin Authority's Drought Protocols before presenting the Special Procedural Plan for Situations of Alert and Temporary Drought (PES), which contemplates a series of activities classified as: environmental protection activities, management and control, water saving and for the generation of additional savings. As a result of the persistent situation of water uncertainty in which the Jucar System is submerged, this Drought Effect Mitigation Plan continues to be in effect and the mentioned actions will be extended for as long as the situation persists.



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Ferrer J., Pérez M.A., Honrubia M.A., Perez F. Drought administrative actions, drought statutory laws and the permanent drought commission in the Júcar river basin authority. In : López-Francos A. (ed.). Drought management: scientific and technological innovations. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2008. p. 221-226. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 80). 1. International Conference Drought Management: Scientific and Technological Innovations, 2008/06/12-14, Zaragoza (Spain). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a80/00800446.pdf