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2000 - 215 p.

Marine fish farming in Spain

Basurco B., Larrazabal G.

As in many other parts of Europe, Spain is now contemplating how its aquaculture production is rapidly expanding. Thus, although most production is molluscan shellfish, the production of marine finfish is increasing at higher rates and in 1998 reached 11,296 tonnes (an increase of 15 per cent over the previous year). Marine fishfarming has been developed in earth ponds and tanks, and more recently in inshore or semi off-shore conditions. Nowadays, intensive farming is moving offshore towards increasingly exposed environments. As technical constraints are being overcome, the sector is looking for solutions for development in an environment where space is also sought for other activities, mainly tourism. This paper reviews the development of marine fish culture in Spain, giving information on marine finfish production and the size of marine farms, the comparative importance of different technologies, and the constraints suffered by the sector.



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Basurco B., Larrazabal G. Marine fish farming in Spain. In : Muir J. (ed.), Basurco B. (ed.). Mediterranean offshore mariculture. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2000. p. 45-56. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 30). Advanced Course of the CIHEAM Network on Technology of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean on 'Mediterranean Offshore Mariculture', 1997/10/20-24, Zaragoza (Spain). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/b30/00600647.pdf