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2003 - 153 p.

Selection for scrapie resistance in the French dairy sheep populations: Breeding strategy and main results since 1995

Barillet F., Palhière I., Aguerre X., Arranz J.M., Minery S., Soulas C., Belloc J.P., Briois M., Frégeat G., Teinturier P., Astruc J.M., Amigues Y., Andreoletti O., Schelcher F.

Studies of PrP genotypes linked to scrapie, carried out since 1995 in French dairy sheep populations confirmed that only the homozygous ARR-RR animals are clinically resistant. The PrP genotype distribution of the 5 French dairy sheep breeds is now well known since 6443 AI rams and 3149 elite ewes have been genotyped between 1995 and 2001. Large differences between these 5 breeds were revealed, and were taken into account when conceiving a selection program on scrapie resistance using PrP genotyping. This selection started between 1995 and 2001 according to the considered breed. From 2002 about 15,000 to 20,000 genotypings of animals per year during 5 years are planned, mainly candidate rams for the AI centres and elite ewes of the nucleus flocks to account for the PrP genotypes in the assortive matings. Main objectives related to the PrP genotype of the rams are presented.



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Barillet F., Palhière I., Aguerre X., Arranz J.M., Minery S., Soulas C., Belloc J.P., Briois M., Frégeat G., Teinturier P., Astruc J.M., Amigues Y., Andreoletti O., Schelcher F. Selection for scrapie resistance in the French dairy sheep populations: Breeding strategy and main results since 1995. In : Gabiña D. (ed.), Sanna S. (ed.). Breeding programmes for improving the quality and safety of products. New traits, tools, rules and organization?. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2003. p. 37-45. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 55). Meeting of the Sub-Network on Genetic Resources of the FAO-CIHEAM Inter-Regional Cooperative Research and Development Network on Sheep and Goats, 2002/05/9-11, Sassari (Italy). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a55/03600061.pdf