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2002 - 126 p.

Preliminary results regarding nursery behaviour of some persimmon cultivars

Cepoiu N., Stanica F.

This paper presents the nursery behaviour of seven persimmon cultivars: 'Fuyu', 'Hana Fuyu', 'Triumph', 'O'Gosho', 'Rojo Brillante', 'Coroa de Rei', 'Jiro' and one selection, 'CPL', grafted on Diospyros lotus. The grafting was done between 17 and 19 April using the growing bud method and the under bark method, after the rootstocks started to grow. After grafting success percent was calculated. Scion shoots were pruned during the growing period to obtain an anticipated ramification and later, to stimulate wood preparation for the winter. The scion shoot's ramification angles were enhanced by using a wire ring placed in the centre as support. The measurements and observations suggested that for the 'Rojo Brillante' cultivar both grafting methods can be recommended. 'Fuyu' cultivar showed good results with the growing bud method, as did 'O'Gosho' when the under bark method was used. 'Rojo Brillante' formed the most vigorous plants with multiple anticipate shoots and with a very rich foliar system.



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Cepoiu N., Stanica F. Preliminary results regarding nursery behaviour of some persimmon cultivars. In : Bellini E. (ed.), Giordani E. (ed.). First Mediterranean symposium on persimmon. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2002. p. 87-91. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 51). 1. Mediterranean Symposium on Persimmon, 2001/11/23-24, Faenza (Italy). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a51/02600066.pdf