Article précédent | p. 253-255 | Article suivant |
Effect of winter grazing on the protein contents of alfalfa spring regrowth
Chocarro C., Lledó M., Fanlo R., Lloveras J.
Alfalfa is frequently grazed in the Ebro Valley (Spain) during the winter. Winter grazing of alfalfa can influence its subsequent spring regrowth. A summary of nine experiments conducted over three years under irrigated conditions show that the winter grazing of alfalfa by sheep slightly reduces the dry matter yield of the first spring harvest. However, the quality of the forage increased because of the lower number of weeds and the higher protein content.
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Chocarro C., Lledó M., Fanlo R., Lloveras J. Effect of winter grazing on the protein contents of alfalfa spring regrowth. In : Delgado I. (ed.), Lloveras J. (ed.). Quality in lucerne and medics for animal production . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2001. p. 253-255. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 45). 14. Réunion Eucarpia du Groupe Medicago spp., 2001/09/12-15, Zaragoza and Lleida (Spain).