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2001 - 275 p.

Characterization and selection of 'Tierra de Campos' lucerne ecotype using a method of identification of new varieties

Morales M.R., Álvarez S., Crespo M.C.

For three years a process of characterization and selection of 97 'Tierra de Campos' samples was carried out. Six samples were selected as the most productive and homogeneous regrowth and high leaf/stem ratio. Three of them were suitable for harvesting and the other three were suitable for grazing. A new selection was then made on the six selected lines, seeking the homozygotic ones for different alleles of the locus Pgi-2. These homozygotic groups can be used as mother plants for future synthetic varieties and would incorporate a kind of identification that would differentiate them from other commercial varieties, which would be polymorphic for this isozyme.



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Morales M.R., Álvarez S., Crespo M.C. Characterization and selection of 'Tierra de Campos' lucerne ecotype using a method of identification of new varieties. In : Delgado I. (ed.), Lloveras J. (ed.). Quality in lucerne and medics for animal production . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2001. p. 29-32. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 45). 14. Réunion Eucarpia du Groupe Medicago spp., 2001/09/12-15, Zaragoza and Lleida (Spain). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a45/01600051.pdf