Methanotrophic bacteria in the rhizosphere of rice microcosms and their effect on porewater methane concentration and methane emission
Gilbert B., Frenzel P.
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METHANE, RIZ IRRIGUECiter cet article
Gilbert B., Frenzel P. Methanotrophic bacteria in the rhizosphere of rice microcosms and their effect on porewater methane concentration and methane emission. In : Chataigner J. (ed.). Perspectives agronomiques de la culture du riz en Méditerranée : réduire la consommation de l'eau et des engrais . Montpellier : CIHEAM, 1996. p. 41. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 15(1)). Séminaire sur les Perspectives Agronomiques de la Culture du Riz en Méditerranée, 1994/10/17-23, Sibari (Italy).