Article précédent | p. 195-200 |
Hygienic-sanitary plan in rabbit breeding belonging to Italian Rabbit Breeders Association (IRBA) selective programme: preliminary results
Rabbit breedings belonging to Italian Rabbit Breeders Association (IRBA) selective plan have to follow a planned selective and hygienic-sanitary program. The guidelines of the hygienic-sanitary program are aimed to planning and cycling of procedures and activities, correct use of drugs, animal welfare and biosecurity of production. The control of correct use of veterinary drugs is performed by mean of samples collected in the farm 4 times/year for drugs residues search (fattening feedstuffs and drinking water). The biosecurity of productive conditions is checked by mean of sbaws (cages and equipment) for environmental zoonotic agents contamination and by mean of samples of ambiental air. After two years of activity, in one farm belonging to IRBA selective plan, we controlled the productive and hygienic level in order to evaluate the working of selective and hygienic program. In a group of 147 preselected NZW rabbit does we tested 9 NZW preselected bucks using A.I. All the reproductive-productive data (fertility, litter size at 1,18,60 days of age, live weight at 18,60 and 78 days of age)and the results of the hygienic-sanitary monitoring have been registered and collected (percentage of culled and dead animals, positive results in environmental samples, drugs residues in feedstuffs and drinking water ). Preliminary results are presented and discussed.
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Facchin E., Giovannoli M., Benedetti R., Zanon F. Hygienic-sanitary plan in rabbit breeding belonging to Italian Rabbit Breeders Association (IRBA) selective programme: preliminary results. In : Testik A. (ed.), Baselga M. (ed.). 2. International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1999. p. 195-200. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 41). 2. International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates, 1998/09/07-09, Adana (Turkey).