Article précédent | p. 123-126 | Article suivant |
The effects of GnRH on the fertility of Angora rabbits in summer
In this investigation, the effects of GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) on the fertility of Angora rabbits in summer were studied. In this study, 14 female and 3 male Angora rabbits aged between 2 to 3 years were used. The animals were kept in individual cages. All animals were fed with pelleted allmash feed ad libitum. Environment temperature varied between 20 to 35 °C in August. Female rabbits were divided into 2 groups having 7 rabbits in each group. Before mating all rabbits were sheared. In each group, 3 male rabbits were used for natural insemination. All does were taken to the buck's cages every evening for mating. Buserlin-GnRH analogue (0,8 µg) was injected intramusculary by single injection just after the natural mating to group 1. Rabbits of the group 2 were served as controls. Parturition has not been observed in animals of the second group, but 57.1 per cent pseudopregnancy was detected. In the first group, pseudopregnancy rates, parturition rates and average litter size were 42,8, 28,5 and 4 per cent respectively. As a result, it was concluded that in summer time when fertility rates are so low, by the injection of one dose GnRH after natural mating to female Angora rabbits fertility rates was increased.
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Bekyürek T. The effects of GnRH on the fertility of Angora rabbits in summer. In : Testik A. (ed.), Baselga M. (ed.). 2. International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1999. p. 123-126. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 41). 2. International Conference on Rabbit Production in Hot Climates, 1998/09/07-09, Adana (Turkey).