Article précédent | p. 181-183 | Article suivant |
Performances of some local and foreign almond cultivars in South East Anatolia
Almond growing under irrigated conditions in South East Anatolia has given very promising results. During the last 8 years, none of the almond cvs under experiment showed frost damage. Therefore the region was supposed to be quite a suitable place for almond growing in Turkey. In our earlier experiments with local cvs, early flowering (48-1, 48-2 and 48-5), late flowering (101-13, 101-23) and American cvs (Non Pareil, Drake and Texas), it was observed that the Turkish cvs started bearing in the ages of 5,6 whereas the American cvs came into bearing in the 3rd year. Three years ago we planted Ferragnes, Ferraduel, Genco, Yaltinski and Picantili cvs in the same area. Last year these cvs started bearing and this year they have produced quite a good yield. Their flowering times were later than the previously tried cvs except the two very late flowering cvs of 101-13 and 101-23. Since the irrigation water is available from the huge Atatürk Dam and the results of almond experiments are very promising, the Harran Plain seemed to be a potential almond producing area for Turkey.
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Kaska N., Küden A. Performances of some local and foreign almond cultivars in South East Anatolia. X GREMPA Seminar . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1998. p. 181-183. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 33). 10. GREMPA Seminar, 1996/10/14-17, Meknès (Morocco).