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1996 - 189 p.

Synthèse des travaux de recherche réalisés sur les Medicago à l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie

Seklani H., Zoghlami A., Mezni M., Hassen H.

For more than 15 years, an important exploration and collection work has been done by INRA of Tunisia in order to built an exhaustive inventory of local Medicago species. The first collection mission of cultivated lucerne populations was conducted in spring 1969 in oasis (south of Tunisia) by J.P. Gachet. 20 ecotypes were collected and evaluated in nurseries. A mass selection program based on agronomic traits was undertaken in different crop conditions. The goal was to create a new variety of alfalfa more productive and more tolerant to salt. No results have been obtained because of lack of variability within these populations. The local population of the south (oasis) would be available for the north if a large scale seed increasing had been established. For that, numerous varieties have been introduced and compared to the local population Gabès which was frequently cultivated in these south regions. After a long period of testing, the adapted varieties were maintained and cultivated everywhere in Tunisia in order to answer the needs of farmers. Some of them, particularly 'Provence' at the beginning and 'African' and 'Moapa' further, were multiplied in the south which made improbable the purity of local populations. The local population Gabès was maintained and preserved at INRAT as well as at INAT and was the subject of many physiological and agronomic studies. Annual Medicago (Medics) have also been studied. Since 1970, more than 100 ecotypes were collected in centre and north and evaluated for agronomic traits. Most of local ecotypes showed a superiority compared to Australian introductions.



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Seklani H., Zoghlami A., Mezni M., Hassen H. Synthèse des travaux de recherche réalisés sur les Medicago à l'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie. In : Genier G. (ed.), Prosperi J.M. (ed.). The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean region: Current situation and prospects in research . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1996. p. 31-37. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 18). Meeting of the Mediterranean Working Group on Medicago of the FAO/CIHEAM Inter-Regional Research and Development Network on Pastures and Fodder Crops, 1995/10/19-22, Hammamet (Tunisia). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c18/96605758.pdf