Article précédent | p. 133-141 | Article suivant |
Improvements in the Manchega genetic breeding programme
Jurado J.J., Serrano M., Pérez-Guzman M.D., Montoro V.
In this paper we present the last works applied on the Manchega sheep breed genetic program. Those works deal with improvements of the evaluation model quality, estimation of variance components and selection response and extending part-lactation. The inclusion of the effect herd-mobile period, which supposes about a 45 per cent of the phenotypic traits variation, was the most important improvement of the evaluation model. Results about estimation of variance components are not definitive and depends on the method used. Projection factors for extending part-lactation were calculated. Results provide the possibility to extend incomplete lactation records if at least first and second test-day are known.
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Jurado J.J., Serrano M., Pérez-Guzman M.D., Montoro V. Improvements in the Manchega genetic breeding programme. In : Gabiña D. (ed.). Strategies for sheep and goat breeding . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 133-141. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 11). Meeting of the joint FAO/CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goats, Subnetwork on Animal Resources, 1995/03/26-28, Sidi-Thabet (Tunisia).