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1995 - 280 p.

Effet du couvert arboré sur la production de sursemis de trèfle souterrain dans le sud-est de la France

Armand D., Etienne M.

The productivity of subterranean clover overseedings under Mediterranean tree canopy cover was studied, in South-Eastern France, for various cultivars and dates of sowing. Annual production was higher under tree canopy cover than without, but great variations were observed from year to year. The effect of tree canopy cover on seasonal production was clear during winter with a strong increase of forage biomass in comparison with without trees overseedings. Tree canopy cover is as determinant as other factors like cultivar of microsite conditions for explaining biomass production of overseeded subterranean clover.



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Armand D., Etienne M. Effet du couvert arboré sur la production de sursemis de trèfle souterrain dans le sud-est de la France. Systèmes sylvopastoraux. Pour un environnement, une agriculture et une économie durables . Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1995. p. 95-98. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 12). Réunion du Groupe de Travail Méditerranéen du Réseau Interrégional FAO/CIHEAM de Recherche et Développement sur les Pâturages et les Cultures Fourragères, 1995/05/29-1995/06/02, Avignon (France). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c12/96605495.pdf