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1994 - 550 p.

Mortality rate in purebred commercial rabbits under Egyptian conditions

Farghaly H.M., El Darawany A.A., Yamani K.A.O.

Data on 4354 parturitions from commercial breeds of rabbits (Bauscat, New Zealand White and California) were analysed to investigate the effects of sire, doe within sire (as a random effect) on stillbirths, mortality to 21 days (M21) and total mortality (TM percentage). Total losses prior to weaning were approximately 24 per cent in all breeds, largely from stillbirth (Sb percentage) and subsequent mortality to 21 days (M21 percentage) in the nest. Differences between breeds were not significant in all mortality traits studied. Season of kindling, parity of doe and litter size at birth significantly (P less than 0.001) affected mortality traits studied. The sire genetic variance and doe within sire for mortality traites were low and close to zero in three breeds studied. The residual environment variance was high for stillbirths, M21 and Tm percentage. The repeatability (t) values for Sb, M21 and TM percentage traits were low. Low heritability for all mortality traits indicates that genetic improvement by selection would be difficult, while improvement of environmental and management factors (climate, feed, hygiene, etc) might improve the performance of the young.



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Farghaly H.M., El Darawany A.A., Yamani K.A.O. Mortality rate in purebred commercial rabbits under Egyptian conditions. In : Baselga M. (ed.), Marai I.F.M. (ed.). Rabbit production in hot climates. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 1994. p. 263-270. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 8). 1. International Conference of rabbit production in hot climates, 1994/09/06-08, Cairo (Egypt). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c08/95605301.pdf