Expectations from farmers in Mediterranean Southern countries: The case of Egypt

Shafie Sallam M.

Recent agricultural policy changes in the context of Egypt's ongoing economic reform program. Over the last five years the agricultural sector has been moving gradually towards privatization. This article presents Egyptian farmers' attitudes and expectations toward the present extension services and the governemnt's policies in defining choices and priorities in developing the extension services programs. Traditional extension in Egypt has been carried out by giving directions to farmers. A top-down approach is not very successful among farmers as they obviously prefer two-way over one-way communication. Decentralized extension helps farmers to be involved in identifying the problems and setting the solutions. Some recommendations are presented for improving the extension work in Egypt in connection with Egypt's present policy.



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Shafie Sallam M. Expectations from farmers in Mediterranean Southern countries: The case of Egypt. In : Plaza P. (ed.). La vulgarisation, composante du développement agricole et rural : actes du séminaire de Grenade . Montpellier : CIHEAM, 1994. p. 119-122. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 2(4)). Séminaire sur la Vulgarisation, Composante du Développement Agricole et Rural, 1993/11/24-26, Grenade (Spain). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/c02-4/94400049.pdf