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2007 - 238 p.

Strategic vision for mainstreaming gender dimensions in water management for food security and food safety from childhood to grownup

Aziz N.

The author strongly believes that gender analysts must search hard in the grass roots of the chronic social problems and try to introduce non-traditional solutions in Egypt. The author's vision is to tackle complex social problems from bottom up and set clear objectives to be reached in the future. The gender issue of special interest is basically to suggest mitigation measures to relief miserable living conditions of street children, who pay the price of uncommitted family crimes. The result is poverty, hunger, illiteracy; severe abuse from the harsh community and finally frustration. Also, the paper presents the problem from the perspective of the impacts on the environment due to lack of clean water and sanitation, malnutrition due to very limited food availability and the health decline and epidemic diseases that are susceptible to poor living conditions. The paper concludes by a proposed comprehensive action plan, gender oriented, to help such marginalised sector, through basic education and vocational training, to become productive and constructive in the community.



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Aziz N. Strategic vision for mainstreaming gender dimensions in water management for food security and food safety from childhood to grownup. In : Sagardoy J.A. (ed.), Lamaddalena N. (ed.), Quagliariello R. (ed.), Chimonidou D. (ed.), Guelloubi R. (ed.), Pinca V. (ed.). Mainstreaming gender dimensions in water management for food security and food safety. Bari : CIHEAM, 2007. p. 49-56. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 77). 2. Regional Coordination Workshop of GEWAMED (Mainstreaming Gender Dimensions into Water Resources Development and Management in the Mediterranean Region), 2007/03/12-14, Larnaca (Cyprus). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/a77/00800479.pdf