Article précédent | p. 269-272 | Article suivant |
Potential of Spanish sour-sweet pomegranates for juice industry
Calín-Sanchez A., Hernández F., Melgarejo P., Legua P., Carbonell-Barrachina A.A.
Commercial juices of sweet pomegranates and fresh juices of sour-sweet pomegranates were analysed for organic acids, sugars, antioxidant activity, volatile composition, sensory profile and consumer liking. Organic acids and sugars were analysed by HPLC, while volatiles were extracted using hydrodistillation and analysed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Malic acid was predominant in sweet juices while citric acid predominated in sour-sweet samples. Fructose and glucose were found as the predominant sugars in all juices. The high potential of sour-sweet pomegranate fruits for the juice industry was supported by (i) the high values of positive attributes, such as colour and fresh pomegranate flavour and (ii) the high overall liking of consumers.
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Calín-Sanchez A., Hernández F., Melgarejo P., Legua P., Carbonell-Barrachina A.A. Potential of Spanish sour-sweet pomegranates for juice industry. In : Melgarejo P. (ed.), Valero D. (ed.). II International Symposium on the Pomegranate. Zaragoza : CIHEAM / Universidad Miguel Hernández, 2012. p. 269-272. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 103). 2. International Symposium on the Pomegranate, 2011/10/19-21, Madrid (Spain).