Article précédent | p. 57-60 | Article suivant |
The Pomegranate National Collection of Afghanistan
The Perennial Horticulture Development Project – Afghanistan is a project in support to the Ministry for Agriculture of Afghanistan. The main goal is the strengthening of the perennial horticulture through the development of a highly standardized nursery sector and the adoption of local genetic resources. Pomegranate has been surveyed in a wide area of the Afghan territory and collected during the first phase of the project (2006-2010). The in situ collection holds 60 different labeled and recorded varieties located in various provinces. These accessions have been propagated and planted in year 2009 in two different duplicated ex situ collections. Besides a first characterization of the in situ collected material reported in the PHDP Germplasm "In-Situ" Collection Database, all the clones are being fully characterized and evaluated following international descriptor lists and standards.
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Saeedi A.M., Mohammad G., Samadi G.R., Abdiani S., Giordani E. The Pomegranate National Collection of Afghanistan. In : Melgarejo P. (ed.), Valero D. (ed.). II International Symposium on the Pomegranate. Zaragoza : CIHEAM / Universidad Miguel Hernández, 2012. p. 57-60. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 103). 2. International Symposium on the Pomegranate, 2011/10/19-21, Madrid (Spain).