Fait partie de [OMB51]

2005 - 199 p.


Ouassou A., Ameziane T., Belghiti M., Ziyad A., Belhamd A.

The basic sets of laws with regard to water management did not change for a very long time. The laws started to be reviewed seriously only in 1990 for the water users associations and in 1994 for a more comprehensive legal framework for water use. The Administration is still largely in charge of the formulation of policies regarding water and the legislative control is not very well developed. The consultative institutions in charge of advising the various agencies and ministries regarding water and drought management do not have regulatory powers. They issue recommendations and approve plans. The regulatory functions over water utilities, in irrigation as well as in municipal water distribution, are usually mixed with operational duties such as planning, project financing and supervision, and supervision of agencies. The Observatory should be working closely with national scientific institutions and key stakeholders; and gather practical experience through international cooperation.



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Ouassou A., Ameziane T., Belghiti M., Ziyad A., Belhamd A. Morocco. In : Iglesias A. (ed.), Moneo M. (ed.). Drought preparedness and mitigation in the Mediterranean: Analysis of the organizations and institutions. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2005. p. 105-129. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série B. Etudes et Recherches; n. 51). http://om.ciheam.org/om/pdf/b51/06600011.pdf