Article précédent | p. 183-197 | Article suivant |
Water resources planning and development in Jordan
The paper will present a shift in water planning in Jordan from supply-side water management to more integrated and demand-driven water management. Assessment of existing water supply and demand will be presented and strategies will be outlined. Potential available water resources and uses will be presented. Strategies to meet unsatisfied water demand will be presented. These include use of nonconventional water resources, privatization, efficiency enhancement in distribution systems and demand management. Scenarios for sustainable water management are developed. Comparison among these scenarios will be performed for the case of Jordan and a set of recommendations will be stated. The adoption of a new strategy for water planning in Jordan is crucial for sustainable water development. This strategy should focus both on demand management and development of non-conventional water resources.
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Hussein I.A., Abu Sharar T.M., Battikhi A.M. Water resources planning and development in Jordan. In : Hamdy A. (ed.), Monti R. (ed.). Food security under water scarcity in the Middle East: Problems and solutions. Bari : CIHEAM, 2005. p. 183-197. (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 65). LNCV [Landau Network-Centro Volta] International Forum: Food Security under Water Scarcity in the Middle East: Problems and Solutions, 24-27 Nov 2004, Como (Italy).