Article précédent | p. 107-110 | Article suivant |
Considerations on the development of bluefin tuna aquaculture
Larzabal S.
The fishing industry has undoubtedly the legitimacy to take part in the process of development of bluefin aquaculture. First because of the pre-eminent role of fishermen in bluefin tuna fishing, especially in the Mediterranean sea, and also because of their capacity to adapt to fishing-based aquaculture by using new fattening practices. A partnership with fishermen is necessary in order to reinforce what has already been achieved with fishing-based aquaculture (fattening) and also to answer many questions of the fishing industry concerning the possible development of a more advanced form of bluefin tuna aquaculture that would be independent of fishing.
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Larzabal S. Considerations on the development of bluefin tuna aquaculture. In : Bridges C.R. (ed.), García A. (ed.), Gordin H. (ed.). Domestication of the bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus thynnus. Zaragoza : CIHEAM, 2003. p. 107-110. (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes; n. 60). 1. International Symposium on Domestication of the Bluefin Tuna Thunnus Thynnus Thynnus, 2002/02/03-08, Cartagena (Spain).